I really think that EA should make a sequel of the first great shooter that appeared on PS2 , Black. The game was indeed a great actioneer (in my opinion) that lets in the dust even new appeared shooters. It had action, bullets, fun, guns (good variety) and the FPS action was superb. A continuation of the first on the PS3 will be a blast and for sure will sell lot of copies. Black II would be great!
Okami II
by CRYSIX on Comments
Everybody remembers Okami, that extremely well-balanced action-adventure on PS2 and WII, right? It had some of the best visuals for the PS2, the mini-games and the whole adventure was fantastic. I think that a remake on PS3 will be a truly revolution! With PS3's great power Okami II will be more than a good continuation of the first game, it will be a blast!
God of War III
by CRYSIX on Comments
God of War III: A game which is eagerly awaited of very much gamers. Is true that the first two games on PS2 (God of War, God of War II) and the brilliantly designed third game on PSP (God of War: Chains of Olympus) were great and absolutely fun, but the third really looks like a revolution in it's own. I say this and because the third has the PS3's power and looks fantastic. God of War III rullz! 8)
inFamous Powers
by CRYSIX on Comments
Hi! I want to talk about the powers in inFamous. About the differences between good Karma powers and bad Karma powers. I'd say that the good ones are more 'Single-Target' and more defensive, and the bad ones more 'Area of Effect' and more destructive. Right?
inFamous Choices
by CRYSIX on Comments
Hero or Anti Hero? Saviour or Villain? It's up to you in inFamous. I chosen Hero, but I will start again the game to see also and the evil part of the story. But, the problem is the depth. I mean, I played it and as Anti Hero and the differences could be deeper and should have a more powerful effect on the gameplay. This dosen't mean that isn't cool but the effects could be deeper than just some slightly different cut-scenes, your body and some powers (like the exclusive Arc Lightning when your bad). Even so, inFamous rullz! 8)
inFamous Site
by CRYSIX on Comments
I had recently downloaded the inFamous comic book 'Post Blast' and it's really cool. Actually, it's amazing. You understand better the story and understand Cole. Oh, and the site is also nice in general with that actually funny flash mini game and the nice Facebook Profile. Have a look!
Play Station Network
by CRYSIX on Comments
Those are my favourite 3 games on Play Station Network:
1. Warhawk
2. Killzone 2
3. Gta IV
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
by CRYSIX on Comments
I had recently played Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2). I have to say that the first was really bad (even on the consoles) because of the bad camera and quite boring side missions. I played it and gave it a 7. But I think that the second also has some bad parts, but it's really a good game and makes you feel like a Transformer. I really like it. Oh, and the movie was Superb. It had action, good jokes, and excellent effects. For me, the second game it's an ACE (and the movie the same).
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