I'm not talking about i will take a break, but that i did not post anything over a month! :o as usual, the reason for my absence is because i was lazy/busy/annoyed. but, i'm finally posting something so please read ok? ;)
on April 18th, I went to a Quincenera! :D (it's celebrating the 15th birthday of a mexican girl). Man! it was so much fun! more fun than i had in awhilesince the church retreat i went to in March! I was an escort and some of my good friends were too... wait. I'm just going to skip to the best parts. We got to ride in a LIMO! :D a hummer limo to be exact. THAT was a lot of fun. we had so many jokes and stuff, it was just hilarious. anyway, the limo was taking us to where the actual party was. (we were at a church before we got in the limo). we ate dinner, all escorts had to do their thing (dance with their escort after the father and daughter (girl who had the party)dance). after all of that and a video of the birthday girl, we were free to DANCE! that was a lot of fun too. we danced to Thriller by Michael Jackson :lol: and also the Electric Slide. some others that i cant think of the name though. also, i danced with one of my good friends (girl). she was an amazing dancer. she can dance very well. i was sad when she left. she really is a great person. ok, i think i typed enough for this event. sorry it was so long :P
For Easter, my mom got me Guitar Hero 3 for Xbox360 but i already had it for Wii. but my mom thought that i could use the guitars for Rock Band but i told her they wouldn't work. so, then we went to Best Buy and I got Bioshock and Assassin's Creed. I have played both a lot. Not like every day though. I just beat Assassin's Creed yesterday and in Bioshock, i forgot what the place is called. it was like Neptune's... something... it's the place you go to right after you kill Andrew Ryan. Anyway, both are really good games. They're a lot of fun.
Despite that I'm now a little over15 1/2 years old, my mom still hasn't done anything to get me into driving school. yes, i have to do driving school. it sucks. and i have to have my permit for 6 months before i can do the driving test and get my license.
since school is almost over for me, we, of course, get so many projects and homework and essays and tests to do before the school year ends. It gets overwhelming. -_- oh well.
If you would like to add me on Xbox360 my gamertag is Cgamer17. Thanks!