Hey guys. I just got back from San Antonio :D I'm glad to be home. I didn't have too much fun on the trip :( there wasn't much to do and even at Sea World there wasn't much to do. Everywhere we went it was too crowded and I don't like going to places where it's so crowded. so the trip was ok. The only good part about it is that I was able to spend some time with my DS and play it any chance i got.
before I do my Top 10 DS games countdown, I'll have to think for a bit. I didn't get to all the games that I know will be in the top 10 yet (mainly because I played 1 of them for practically the whole day on Monday :P). Then I can put them in order. It might take me tomorrow to post 10-5 or later tonight but I'm not sure yet.
I won't be able to get any games or anything like that until this weekend because I will have over $20 by then, so suggestions are still welcome ;)
Hopefully you get to see 10-5 tonight or tomorrow. And I will get to some ofyourblogs too soon :)