Hey guys! Sorry for my absence, I've been super busy ever since school started (you can thank my AP cla$$ for that), I am able to have some time to tell you guys that my birthday is on Friday :3 Yay! But I am not gonna be on at any point that day because my school has a football game that day and our band will be out playing our stuff in the stands, marching our marching show during halftime, and having a good time. Most likely go to Cici's Pizza afterward too. Last week's game was a blast and I'm hoping this week's game is even better! Can't wait!
So these are the stuff i want for my birthday. You can tell what I mostly want, can't you? :P
· Headphones (broke again….)
· 1 Year Xbox Live Gold Membership
· 1600 Xbox Live Points Card
· 2000 Nintendo Wii Points Car
· Nintendo 64*
o Super Smash Bros.*
o Donkey Kong 64*
o Mario Kart 64
o Paper Mario
o Banjo –Kazooie*
o Super Mario 64*
o The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
o Star Fox 64*
o Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
o Mario Party*
· Metroid: The Other M (Wii)
· Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Gamecube)
· Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (Gamecube)
· Bioshock 2 (Xbox 360)
*= Really want
So you can see I'm taking some steps back, Main reason being is I miss those good old times.... A lot :(
That's all I got. I'll let you guys know what I got for my birthday on Saturday or Sunday. Oh and I love that Labor Day is near my birthday. 3 day weekend!! :)