Been a while since I wrote one of these. If you're wondering where I've been these past few weeks, I've been here. Yeah I've actually not been gone just cut down on posting.
Anyway, finals week is here and as you know, that usually means a lot of last minute cram sessions and working on final projects/reports. That being said, I probably won't be on much, either here or on TC, these next few days.
Also, one of my best friends (since guys can't have just one best friend) joined the US Marines. He's been at boot camp these last 3 months, but he recently returned on Friday.So, since Friday, we've been going out to make up for lost time, and just enjoying having our brother back, safe and sound. Altough we all try to conceal it, we can all see that he's really changed; he doesn't seem like himself anymore. Everytime he speaks to us about his experience, there's this somber look in his eyes that really chokes me up. And he keeps repeating how he doesn't want to go back, yet he's signed away 4 years of his life to the Marines and he knows there's no way around it now. He only has 10 days with us before he goes back for another 3-4 months, so we're enjoying every moment we can with him.
And finally, in relationship news, I've recently been going out with my ex's best friend. I personally feel bad doing this as I wouldn't like one of my best friends going out with one of my ex'es. But many people have told me that it's not so bad since my ex and I only dated for half a year, and we shouldn't feel like we were committed to each other. So, while we officially aren't girlfriend and boyfriend yet, we've gone out MANY times and I've actually already gotten a "departing kiss" meaning this'll probably happen sooner than later.
So that's it. I have many things to do these next few days with three things running my life: trying to study for finals, spending time with my Marine friend, and trying to advance my relationship with a girl. And while I've never actually been good at juggling multiple things at once, I know that if I am to accomplish all of these things then every second counts.