by CaBaller0 on Comments
It's been a while. I haven't touched my blogs in a while now so I guess this'll be one of those boring updates most people make which only one or two people read but don't really care about it. But I can't really think of anything else to write so here it goes...
Well not much has happened since my last update. I got the MK emblem and um... I got a new girlfriend! 8) She's cool and all but to tell you the truth I still have feelings for my ex-girlfriend... and it doesn't help that I talk to her in college now. And college is pretty cool. I go only about 3 hours a day but they give a hefty amount of homework and projects to complete. My main focus is finding a job right now. I applied to the local EBgames, Target, and Blockbuster... so all I gotta do now is wait for a call from either one of them. :?
So now to the video games! I'm really waiting for Mortal Kombat: Armageddon... but with a lack of a PS2, I have to wait for the Wii version since I'm gonna get a Wii. I've decided to buy Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz along with the Wii... but I'll still have to wait till March for MKA. :( And I'm getting the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the GameCube so I can play it how it was meant to be played. But for right now I'm mostly playing Battle Stadium D.O.N. because my friends love it and they actually have a chance against me... unlike Super Smash Bros. Melee or most other games really.
So that's it for this update. I really hate doing these but I felt I hadn't done anything with my blog in a while so I might as well. And so to end this honorable... *chops hands off and bleeds to death.* HARA-KIRI!