@slipgraeme It's not even worth waiting for the bargain bin. Seriously, if someone gives this game to you for xmas or a b'day, don't bother taking the plastic off.
I honestly hope that the person or people responsible for this..."game" are sacked. The potential was huge, the possibilities endless but a half hearted attempt has left a sour taste for gamers and fans alike.
I don't expect much from Sega, they're like that weird relative you never hear from or about unless they win the lottery or get shot by police in a hostage thing.
But Gearbox has a reputation to uphold and wow, they screwed up bigtime.
@Subterfuge71 I played Doom back in the day and it was amazing. I bought Doom 3 BFG Edition recently and after playing Doom 1 again, didn't find it half as interesting as I remembered. Aliens Colonial Marines is on par with old school games, except it's supposed to be new gen.
Games like 'Pong' or 'Paratrooper' are more challenging than this garbage.
CaNkER--'s comments