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why ms why? so many shooters for xbox, keyboard for xbox!!mouse!!! drool....

everyone who has played in pc, would know that the mouse and the keyboard especially if you have at least one logitech with weights and laser precision with a nice keyboard, the shooters are an incredible experiencie..because you have at your disposal all the keys to make decisions like running, jumping, and assign commands (rainbow six), or change to a lot of weapons in no time, yeap and with the mouse you can point so precisely and accurately almost like a good sniper well except in call of duty the made it difficult to snipe.

So i played in my pc a lot of shooters until the industry changed the way it develops chips, withe ley of moore or whatever, they start to go crazy with upgrades, new graphics cards, directx changing open gl, and all the geek terms that one can never fully my geforce 5500 was so obselete after one month, and my pentium 4 3.2ghz with a huge fan was no the best machine and just a piece of loud crap that cant run the newest game in the i get to splinter cell double agent playing in really good performance = crappy graphics. but it was playable, somehow.

Well thats another story, after a while and i stopped making happy the pc seller who always showed a smile when i came in...i bought an xbox 360, to make it standard and stop the upgrade thing, was becoming quite and obssesion.

My surprise was almost all the newest shooters in pc were in xbox 360, so i was happy until i got into the controller thing, incredibily was incredible easy to get playing with this controller, and somehow you can point and shoot and pass the level, but the somehow was the thing off in this.

I hate it, the way almost all xbox shooters make auto aim, yeap its almost 20% you playing 80% the auto aim playing, it sucks, well in certain ways you can desesperatly shoot with your aim and hope you have nice precision with your thumb movin slowly the joystick and hoping the ai dont make move the enemy.

The other really annoying thing its the changing of weapons, you in a keyboard can press 3 or 4 or 1 etc, in this you have to pause it open the menu, open weapons, select weapon and return to game....what????, im guessing they made the ai in xbox games more dumber, i cant imagine unreal tournament in xbox with all the enemies, but once you get accustomed and start forgetting pc you start enjoying it.

the controller has already a lot of buttons to push and make your decisions in a game but there are not simply enough, well the go forward and movement joystick is nice, im hopping for a keyboard with a joystick between the a ,w,s,d jojojo.

So im gonna said MICROSOFT make a KEYBOARD AND A MOUSE for the xbox..i drooled over the idea, just imagining and wireless of course..and laser...and please...i hate playing call of duty modern warfare with the controller........or i cant play operation flashpoint cause the controller its movin too slow or the accuracy is really bad with this thing.

Of course there are EXPERTS..who can shoot with anything...but i dont wanna be like them?, who cares if the neighbor can light a match with his teeth? i want to light with a ZIPPO....

i absolutely hate the wii

Well there are many supporters of this console, many of them loved nintendo since the first days...they grow up with mario, zelda, metroid..and other classics...but for me its now dead....the nintendo company is trying to grab all the population and make them play simple games its nice idea...but for me i feel really betrayed, they destroyed the console to make just one big family toy..

I was trying to overcome my hate so i rented one wii for one month..i have to admit its funny to play with someone else for the first 15 minutes after that you (if you are a gamer) story, no graphics, no upgrade system, no gameplay....just no.

so i started with mario same story...the same princess with no bodyguards, or security got easily kidnapped for the same kuppa...(dont care how it write)...and you start your adventure the same lame way...SAVE THE PRINCESS..

After too many repetitions of the same formula its just taste like hot coca cola in the desert...well was attractive to jump from planet to planet but i got bored after 15 i change it to metroid...was nice but got bored...change it to zelda..too dissapointed with that game..!! what happened nintendo there are lack of ideas??? zelda boring!!!! i was thinkin they got zero ideas after wind waker...and after mario shunshine..they were good games...

Well so i can go on and on...the games really suck...well first for:

1) graphics...what the f...are the PSP graphics in this console?...ps2 got better graphics, you feel like you return it in time to play some old console...some games have psone graphics really really dissapointed...and in some games they put some really horrible graphics...

2) gameplay...its interesting to move your hands like crazy for a while...but you start to miss the controller, or a mouse and keyboard when your arms got tired after the 2000 bad guy you kill.

3) lack of games...good games?? bah they are so boring and not made it for serious gamers just for casual or beginners, so if you are a serious gamer you catch the game in 5 seconds..and want to throw away for the lack of nintendo for the lack of ideas or games put..some oldies back in town...okami,klonoa....HEY WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE RPG?..WHY ARE MORE GAMES FOR NINTENDO DS? coming out than wii?...if a console dont have games...its dead....just dead...

4) games of other consoles...yeap recently played marvel ultimate alliance 2, wolverine...and i was really scared after put play..or start game...its like they put all the effort to make it for 360 or ps3,...and with the leftovers make the game for least dont make for wii if you are willinly put that crap into the market...

5)lack of imagination...they can make it some awesome games with the wii controller...the trailers were so can look that you can be one with the game...but are just one lonely man playing with your wrists...Common nintendo

6)HDMI...yeap common in flat panel, lcd, plasmas tv generation whats up with the rca?, or max 720p of component video?..dont f...with leats put some effort and give us some high definition...yeap in my lg lcd the nintendo wii games look connecting some sega...

7)they forgot about us...the serious players..with history in nintendo...common it was my first console!!!..but where are the gamespot they put little king story like good game..but whats up with that they cant put a game that i can play in my be played in my home!!!

so well i guess thats for my taste i prefer my xbox 360 over this wii machine...why?..simple FUN GAMES....NICE GRAPHICS...and something to say OUOUOUO! everytime i play...

Pc vs Xbox

mmm tough one i know!!!, but i really really know the answer its so simple!!! xbox xbox xbox......

why? because im a gamer with modest pockets and a normal capacity to buy games or consoles, so mmm one xbox arcade $ 200 , one pc with that capacity of graphics only the cpu with decent keyboard and im talking about logitech love! i say 1300 at least , but many games will run like crap in the monitor....why? the resolution the filters anisotropic bla bla all that bars that you can change to make your game look good in the change too much you get better graphic but crappy performance....

So to play smoothly you choose crappy after one month you change to another graphic card....that itsel costs 300 your machinke cost 1500 until now......after a while a new games comes out and guess what your new graphic card cant go with the new you go to make happy to the pc store to buy another one and bam another 300 dollars......until know you got expend more money to play one new game in an average quality than paying 200 dollars in an xbox and guess can buy and 42 inch lcd for 1200 sooooo you get one kicking game set for 1400......

for pc got one average for 1800 without monitor...mmm tough one right?

Many pc gamers say, in the pc the graphics looks cooler......ohhh i really say so im happy for them if they pay 3000 dollars to get one f... boring shooter game with cool graphics.....and play it like 10 hours and throw away ......yeap you are one crazy son of ........ 3000?? with that you can get a car.....after a car go to a party......a know ...mmm women,,,,,,people....start one minibusiness.....but no you get one stupid pc that goes obsolete after a month....yeah!! a month!!!

Falcon xbox RROD or not or yes

It was a beautiful night and i was going to play my nice xbox, so i slowly turn on the lcd, the audio system,

after i turn on the fans, connect the xbox and BAM!!! two tears were running through my cheeks i bought this xbox just six months ago, the RED LIGHTS OF DEAD SHINING in front of the xbox.

I must say i cursed microsoft......falcon they said it doesnt have the RROD, but darn.....the time goes very slowly

and painfully.

Aimlessly i press the on and off button several times cursing.....with words i never new i had.....then after a while i just resigned and got to sleep......

Put the xbox in the backpack to go to a strange place with neon lights of FIX YOUR XBOX with RROD

3:00 am i woke up with a nightmare of the RROD after all the precautions i had, all the six fans with 12v and 0.15 amp ruunning like crazies, so i go and try one more time AND BUAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAA IT WORKED

3:15 am i am playing strangehold feeling like a dream...with sleepy eyes and a little smile.

3:45 am go to sleep so tired

7:00 am started again......turned on and bam IT WORKED AGAIN.

All i say its what the with microsoft making this rrod lights and making a stupid console who can break .....

i pay for it 500 dollars in my country....darn expensive for the arcade version.

After i got to the internet and i investigated the topic....if you connect the xbox wrong..the power supply, or it got energy problems in the house.......BUALA FAKE RROD

Or it is going to be RROD and i got just the premonition that is going to break?

Im tired i have 28 years old and i played since i have memory and im tired

I have played since the commodore 64, ohh yeah i remember that darn machine, with that giant floppys, waiting to load 30 minutes between two floppys, it took 4 floppys to load one game, but it worth it........those squares moving by my hand were much fun....... then my dad gets me an atari, that was the beginning of all later goes to nintendo, supernintendo, n64, playstation, playstation 2, xbox, sega (a loan from a friend), neo geo, then xbox 360, psp in consoles. In everything i remember trying to squeesh the first ibm i got to play prince of persia, wow darn 640k of memory was hard to free, or pacman, later get more and more powerful computers but was never enough always i had to free memory, free hard disk, buy new video cards, so i just stopped at pentium 4..i cant go no more.....last video card 7600gs nvidia. I was changing parts too many times of that pc, that i got broke in no time..... that was enough. i played all types of games that i can afford the best ones i hope so, rented too many, and now......i played the new games they are making and are so boring, repetitive, copycats of good games and bad stories. So i am looking at the dawn fo the gaming for me........i cant enjoy the games anymore, they are not funny, they are stressful, and lame........ I played assassins creed recently i was so happy to get that game......that was a big letdown, i got furious that game was the reason to buy a xbox 360, but after the 4 mission to kill kill kill, climb, kill, climb, kill, climb i was so sleepy. NEVER HAPPENED IN MY LIFE!! now im looking to the new releases and they are more lame, more boring and more sad to watch, hEY BUT COOL GRAPHICS!, BETTER GRAPHICS EVERYTIME!, COOL CITIES, COOL PICTURE, CLOUDS, FOG, BLA BLA BLA. I want a game not a picture.........