Cabaji_Ec / Member

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Pc vs Xbox

mmm tough one i know!!!, but i really really know the answer its so simple!!! xbox xbox xbox......

why? because im a gamer with modest pockets and a normal capacity to buy games or consoles, so mmm one xbox arcade $ 200 , one pc with that capacity of graphics only the cpu with decent keyboard and im talking about logitech love! i say 1300 at least , but many games will run like crap in the monitor....why? the resolution the filters anisotropic bla bla all that bars that you can change to make your game look good in the change too much you get better graphic but crappy performance....

So to play smoothly you choose crappy after one month you change to another graphic card....that itsel costs 300 your machinke cost 1500 until now......after a while a new games comes out and guess what your new graphic card cant go with the new you go to make happy to the pc store to buy another one and bam another 300 dollars......until know you got expend more money to play one new game in an average quality than paying 200 dollars in an xbox and guess can buy and 42 inch lcd for 1200 sooooo you get one kicking game set for 1400......

for pc got one average for 1800 without monitor...mmm tough one right?

Many pc gamers say, in the pc the graphics looks cooler......ohhh i really say so im happy for them if they pay 3000 dollars to get one f... boring shooter game with cool graphics.....and play it like 10 hours and throw away ......yeap you are one crazy son of ........ 3000?? with that you can get a car.....after a car go to a party......a know ...mmm women,,,,,,people....start one minibusiness.....but no you get one stupid pc that goes obsolete after a month....yeah!! a month!!!