Well recently i played chrono trigger on the nes platform, and it was so much fun!!!, 2d graphics a little squared characters, but the gameplay, history, secrets, fightings system, choices, weapons, etc etc......i have played rpg like tales of vesperia, enchanted arms, last remnant and i said WTF!!! cool graphics but the gameplay suck big time, i get bored in an instant, just lost the will to play. Also dunno why, but in some games i just like to see the scenery than play, or move the camera rather than playing so of course that got me bored in no time, BUT ITS SO F... AWESOME GRAPHICS!, like watching pictures.....but you dont have nothing more I said they put some good effort make the game look so cool, that the gameplay got so boring, repetitive (assasin creed).
i play the best i can every game, if i unlock an achievement its good for me but i dont go chasing around the seven diamond hidden in the butt of the npc who is moving at 100 miles per hour shooting fire through his mouth while i am in the donkey with two rockets attached with some lame tape to GET 10G in the achievement. so relax man, enjoy the donkey ride......and let the achievement go....you can do it another time....you can let it be
x-men origins, if you liked the comic, its incredible how at last they make a nice wolverine. tales of vesperia, nice rpg tons of things to do, fallout, mass effect, or shooter go for the darkness if you want a good story.
yeap thats the reason, imagine the power cord, and that brick inside the monster xbox, if just playing a games could go to rrod, imagine putting the source of heat inside the monster? it could explode like no gaming console could ever go!! that could be a blast! RED RING OF EXPLOSION!, jua jua!. Well i like the hdmi very much, in my lcd go fantastic.....
www.gamefaqs.com, i got stuck in the game in a desesperation loop of looking to pass the level, game over, kill something, etc. go to one walkthough and pops!, no more yelling to the game!!
i disagree with you, i have my xbox with external fan of 12v, two on the rear , two on the side, and my xbox gets more cooler that without them, because it push and pull more air than the average fans of the xbox with they suck, and the rrod is just about heat. More air moving, less heat, yeap! i played in my place which has no windows, no ventilation and its hot hot, played like that for 8 hours nonstop.
i played gears of war love it, and gears of war 2 love it more, because i break something about sequels of good things suck, it still goes very fun and addictive...love the chainsaw, never played online because it got cooperative and on my lcd we play with no problems
conviction, mm what is it with making the "heroes" old, let me guess metal gear you are at fault, nothing like on INMORTAL MARIO, AND ZELDA, jaja, well to the case this is a very good game i played all the splinter cells everyone of them i enjoyed and played 2 or 3 times, and this double agent its fun and make you wonder to be a bad one or a good one.....
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