Nothing exceedingly noteworthy in the last few months, so I haven't been posting.
I restarted FFXII after a month or more lull and am now back in the Giza Plains during the rainy season. I have several unfulfilled hunts to figure out. A dragon in the Westersand, a white mousse in the waterways under Rabanastre, a snake in the Caverns and now a turtle? in Giza Plains.
I can't
a) beat the dragon, after I find him, even with my (then 22nd now 23rd level) characters
b) get to the mousse because some of the waterways are flooded and some aren't and the monsters are too tough to get past
c) find the dang snake for the barman in the caverns, though I have searched 3 or 4 times
d) I need to set the rains off and get the monster to show up in Giza, though I did beat each of the five (?) large turtles in the "Tracks of the Monster" area after breaking off all the trees.
Guess I need to go to a cheat sheet. :o