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Caedwhittle Blog


Wow, I havn't been on this site for aaaaages. And, uergh, I deleted that old blog post with the picture of me in it... I don't look anything like that anymore.

Sorry, Been Away

God, It seems like ages since I've been here. I've been away for Christmas and not had Internet access for a while. So, sorry If I havn't commented in your blogs o or anything.

Won A Massive Competition At School!

Today at my school, my team with my best friends;






All competed in this huge competition. The thing we had to do was design at new garden for a hospital at ST Marys Hospital. And We won. The prize is our design actually getting made, and it will be some time in 2009. But all my friends who didn't take part were all asking me what the real prize was. 'Cause last years team got Ipod Nano's. We don't know, we don't even know if we're getting another prize, but we keep tellin' people we all won Playstation 3's just so they'll be jealous. On a side note, I think this is longest Blog I've ever done!

Facebook Account

I decided to see what the fuss was about and make myself a Facebook. It's really cool. Here's a link to my profile. lol couldn't find a better picture.
