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Edited By Caer_Death

In the last day, NEStalgia has gone viral, being featured on Reddit, Kotaku, Joystiq, Indie Games, G4, etc., and getting hundreds upon hundreds of new people flowing in and loving it, despite the massive lag they're putting on the servers. Actually, there was only 1 server up for the last year. Now, there's 8, and the number keeps growing as a response to the massive increase in the player base. And despite the nearly crippling lag, people are still loving it. A little media blitz goes an incredibly long way. Check it out, and play on a less populated server (save swaps to come soon). Indie games FTW, seriously.

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Edited By Caer_Death

I'm an avid supporter of indie games. In fact, my favorite game over the last year has been a modest MORPG called NEStalgia, made by a development team of only two people, one main creator and one supporting coder. It taps into the classic formula of old school RPGs and mixes it with some modern MMO addictive traits. Indie games are so great, because no matter what, you're close to the developer, because the developer's close to you. The people who make them are themselves gamers who came from the playing side of the community, thus making them more responsive than games with multimillion dollar budgets. Like Persson said in the article, it's not that they can do anything that the big names can't. It's more that they come ready to take risks and go after what they want to make, filling niches and stuff instead of going for what they know is going to rake in the cash. And who wins? The players.

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Edited By Caer_Death

Sammonoske223 1: It is a console in the sense that you plays games on it, and far, far better hardware that gets updated a couple times annually. It's not a traditional console, but eventually the industry'll revolutionize itself again, and this might be the spark it needs. 2: Why do people like you keep insinuating that you need a GODLY internet connection? 5Mbps isn't godly... It isn't even all that great. You can get 20 TIMES that, read, enough to run this 20 TIMES over one connection for $35 a month. If internet service really matters to you, then pay for good internet service! Otherwise, don't complain about what you get. This should only be news implying upgrades to people with dialup, anyways, as you can still stream SD video with the lowest end broadband connections.