I just watched the On The Spot Demo.....and man I don't think I could be anymore excited about this game than I am now. It comes with a making of DVD that apparently comes with the standard copy of the game. No reason to pay for God of War 2: Special Edition (I am looking at you EA). Just the plain ol' copy will hook you up. To see TC Carson doing the voice as Kratos, and then switch to his regular voice is something to be seen.
Cainekass29 Blog
Why do I do this??
by Cainekass29 on Comments
I have a ton of games for my PS2. When I say I have a lot of games....I mean I have a wide variety. Jax & Daxter 1, Hot Shots Golf, to Disaster Report and I finally picked Final Fantasy 12. I am greedy. And usually Ill play one or 2 games, and until I beat them....or I finally get my hands on a new toy.
For example....I picked up Scarface. Which granted is not the greatest game...but, I have A LOT of fun with the game. The soundtrack is great. I love when I am about to go tear some stuff up, and I automatically switch over to particular song because my friend when that song plays....its on.
I got pretty deep into Scarface. And I put it down to check out Bully. I played Bully a few times, and initially I didn't think I was going to like it. I said I am going to try it a few more times, and if nothing hooks me then I am going to set it down, and go back to playing Scarface. Well, I got the hook. And I start spending time in Jimmy Hopkins world, and keep saying in the back of my mind I was going to start playing Scarface again.
I finally beat Bully....but, I couldn't go back to Scarface because I received Guitar Hero 2 for Christmas and well...it was time to rock dammit. Tony is going to kill me.....
I use to be able to play 3 or 4 games at a time, and I could burn through them...now, I am like ehhh. I don't know if its that my attention span has rotten away due to the me getting older, or if I just don't have it in me to deal with 3 or 4 games at once. I've been meaning to start playing Valkyre Profile again but, thats more my life not letting me. I have to fly out to Ohio this weekend so Iprobably play it on the plane along with Lumines, and EA Replay (Mutant League Football suckas!)
I want to go back to Miami and go back to rebuilding my criminal empire...but, I just picked FF12, and Okami. I know if I start focusing on FF12 to play to beat it nothing else will get played for a LONG, LONG time.
I am either about to go play Scarface, TEW07 (Total Extreme Wrestling. Its a simulator), or Ghost RIder....so many choices, and I have the attention span of a fruitfly.
MY PSP and Valkyre Profile Adventure
by Cainekass29 on Comments
I have been wanting Valkyre Profile since it first came out like in 98 I believe. I remember holding the box in my hand at EB, and not sure if this is the game I had been hunting down, or the game my brother in Cincinnatti told me to stay away from. Stubborn me can't ask questions. So, I didn't buy it. The next time I saw it either. Or the following time etc. I knew I wanted eventually but, for whatever reasonI just didn't want to put down the cash on it. I think at that point I had gotten burned by a few games and wasn't in any rush to do so again.
Eventually finding the game was next to impossible. Or I would see it and I was window shopping and didn't have the funds for it. I would hear about the game here and there but, never able to get my hands on it. My brother got it, beat it and traded it off. Which made me upset. Then finally SquareEnix announced they were rereleasing a port of the game on the PSP. Fanfreakintastic!!! An another reason to use my PSP since I mainly use it when I am about to fly or get really bored with the PS2 or X-Box....or my wife won't put out.
I get the release date...and it comes and goes...NO ONE has it. At the time I lived in Marshfield, WI by way of Columbus, Oh. Needless to say it was hard getting my hands on certain games. I am no longer in a major city in the country. I am just southwest of the Middle of Nowhere. Then, I tried E-Bay, EBGames online...no one had it. I couldn't believe I was going through this again.Even a few months down the road. Nothing. The universe was out to get me....again.
Fast forward like 6-8 months later I am with my 6 year old son, (In Ohio) and I was buying us new winter hats as it got really cold, and he lost his and my wasnt made for this kinda weather. I thought I see what was over in the video game section...just in case. And there it was mocking me. laughing at me. Valkyrie Profile. Its later in the evening and getting someone in the department is damn near impossible for whatever reason. I thought no biggie. I got Caine--my son--today so Ill hang with him take him home and tomorrow, Ill buy the game. I have a flight early Wednesday so Ill get time to play it.
I get the game the next day with no hassle....and I start realizing...I haven't seen my PSP charger in awhile. I have a spare one in Wisconsin....not a lot of good it does me in Ohio. fanfreakintastic again...just not in a good way. I look all over the place and no charger to be found. I look at the case, and I am not sure...but, I swear I heard a child's giggle as I looked at the unopen package. I made some calls and the chargers around here were going for like 30 bucks. F that.
I go back to Meijers..and find one for 10 that has a USB cable. Not that I need one...but its cheap. I get home and get ready to charge the PSP....and notice this thing has a docking station that you connect the charger too, or you charge it to your computer, and charge it.....Chaka mad. Chaka real mad. I couldn't believe this. I go to charge it, and and hour later its still telling me its at 0% power on the battery.....I wait an another 30 mins same deal.I make sure its all plugged and in looked up a few things online about charging via USB port. Turns out it takes A LONG ASS TIME to charge your PSP via your computer. But, I did find out you can do it via your PS2 and it might be a little faster.
So imagine how angry I was when its 3 in the morning and its been charging for like 2 hours its only at 21%?! Well this morning once it was fully charged I took it back to Meijers, and traded in an old game to GameStop, and got me a real charger.
That little kid finally stopped laughing, and Chaka is no longer real mad. I have finally gotten to partake of Valkyrie Profile! I am a happy man finally!!!!
Now if I could just find the case with the manual.....
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