I have a ton of games for my PS2. When I say I have a lot of games....I mean I have a wide variety. Jax & Daxter 1, Hot Shots Golf, to Disaster Report and I finally picked Final Fantasy 12. I am greedy. And usually Ill play one or 2 games, and until I beat them....or I finally get my hands on a new toy.
For example....I picked up Scarface. Which granted is not the greatest game...but, I have A LOT of fun with the game. The soundtrack is great. I love when I am about to go tear some stuff up, and I automatically switch over to particular song because my friend when that song plays....its on.
I got pretty deep into Scarface. And I put it down to check out Bully. I played Bully a few times, and initially I didn't think I was going to like it. I said I am going to try it a few more times, and if nothing hooks me then I am going to set it down, and go back to playing Scarface. Well, I got the hook. And I start spending time in Jimmy Hopkins world, and keep saying in the back of my mind I was going to start playing Scarface again.
I finally beat Bully....but, I couldn't go back to Scarface because I received Guitar Hero 2 for Christmas and well...it was time to rock dammit. Tony is going to kill me.....
I use to be able to play 3 or 4 games at a time, and I could burn through them...now, I am like ehhh. I don't know if its that my attention span has rotten away due to the me getting older, or if I just don't have it in me to deal with 3 or 4 games at once. I've been meaning to start playing Valkyre Profile again but, thats more my life not letting me. I have to fly out to Ohio this weekend so Iprobably play it on the plane along with Lumines, and EA Replay (Mutant League Football suckas!)
I want to go back to Miami and go back to rebuilding my criminal empire...but, I just picked FF12, and Okami. I know if I start focusing on FF12 to play to beat it nothing else will get played for a LONG, LONG time.
I am either about to go play Scarface, TEW07 (Total Extreme Wrestling. Its a simulator), or Ghost RIder....so many choices, and I have the attention span of a fruitfly.