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#1 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts


Alright, all I played before this was Blood Money, and I SA'd every mission on the hardest difficulty as well. It was one of my favorite games, and I played it four times completely through to 1000 the game's achievements.

Now, it's been a LONG time since I played that game, so my memory has slightly deteriorated. But...Hitman Absolution kicks ass. Sure, there are some levels that will get frustrating while not giving you the satisfaction of a "kill," but Contracts mode can fix those levels to give you someone to assassinate and the levels that DO require assassinations are amazing. I just finished a string of three back to back to back assassination missions entitled "Attack of the Saints." Lemme tell you, I'm playing on Professional difficulty, and learning exactly how to go through these three stages, and achieving Silent Assassin on each, was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in a game.

Bonus - The game is not short, and the replayability is quite large.

Verdict - If you like Hitman and loved Blood Money, buy it.


Io and Square Enix should have had you on their sales team. I think you just convinced me.


I don't mind changes to the formula, I don't mind the storyline or how people perceive the change to 47 himself. I like the addition of more stealth and that costumes aren't the be all.


*I was more worried that the mechanics changed too much, so the game wouldn't have the same feel.*


The instinct mode makes me think there was a large change and I was concerned there would be a Batman/Splinter Cell feel. Don't get me wrong, I love Batman and Splinter Cell is a good game- just not my style. Like I stated earlier however, I think you just sold me the game.

Yeah, I understand, but to be honest, I personally think Instinct just gave you one more obstacle (not a bad thing) to overcome. It makes you think more about what disguise you're wearing, and where you can or can't go. And if you do get caught, you have to use it up...which is a crucial loss so you better not mess up again. It's more of a one-time use failsafe. The game could've been done without it, but it didn't completely suck ass.

I didn't use the point-shoot mechanic at all though haha...but that's cause I like stealth :)

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#2 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts

According to the devs, the checkpoint system was never meant to be a save system. So yes, that is how it's supposed to work, and no, your game is not broken.

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#3 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts

There is no save to my knowledge, unless you complete a "section," which aren't generally that long.

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#4 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts

Alright, all I played before this was Blood Money, and I SA'd every mission on the hardest difficulty as well. It was one of my favorite games, and I played it four times completely through to 1000 the game's achievements.

Now, it's been a LONG time since I played that game, so my memory has slightly deteriorated. But...Hitman Absolution kicks ass. Sure, there are some levels that will get frustrating while not giving you the satisfaction of a "kill," but Contracts mode can fix those levels to give you someone to assassinate and the levels that DO require assassinations are amazing. I just finished a string of three back to back to back assassination missions entitled "Attack of the Saints." Lemme tell you, I'm playing on Professional difficulty, and learning exactly how to go through these three stages, and achieving Silent Assassin on each, was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in a game.

Bonus - The game is not short, and the replayability is quite large.

Verdict - If you like Hitman and loved Blood Money, buy it.

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#5 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts

Should I get something else? Just beat AC 3 (loved it), and borrowed a friend's Halo 4 to beat on legendary (6 hours). Now it's between Dishonored, BLOPS 2, and this...

Worth $60?

PS: Loved and 1000'd Blood Money.

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#7 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts

Am I the only one that LOVED Brotherhood??



AC:B - 10

AC:2 - 9.5

AC:R - 9.0

AC:1 - 8.0

AC:3 - This could potentially be my favorite of them all if it keeps up as it has to this point. The storyline and my feelings toward the characters are way beyond what they have been in the past (though the recent ending to AC:R came close).

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#8 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts

(very very MINOR spoilers)


I don't know about you guys, but the build up in this game rocked my sh*t. I loved almost every minute of it, have just donned my assassin attire, and am ready to take on the colonial world.

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#9 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts

Yes they have one, and I used mine :)

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#10 Cakolukia
Member since 2008 • 245 Posts

While playing this morning, I got a message that said something along the lines of, "Be careful, some guard dogs can sense your presence and will alert guards to your position if detected."

So there ya go.

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