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People anger me

Ok, I got into a classic argument at work today where I take the viewpoint that you can't really say you know anything unless you experience it yourself.  I mean yes, from what I've been told and what I reason, I conclude that the earth is round.  If someone should tell me the earth is flat, I have no right to argue with them, they are merely going against the opinion that someone else told me.  They have every right to believe in what they choose is most believable. 

I hope this makes sense, people at work seem shallow and think I'm trying to avoid "fact" when I do this, and I reply that "fact" is what you make of it.  History for example, all it is is what people have said or written down, passed on from generation to generation through voice and writing; yes they have video of more present history, but the really old stuff, could all be crap. They tell you that it's true, so we believe it to be so, when in "fact" it could all be garbage.  We are gerbils in a neverending quest for knowledge that is just regurgitated from generation to generation with new crap piled in.

 I mean if someone says, "I'm five feet tall".  Well ok, let's measure you, if the tape measure says you're five feet then yes, I believe it, and if other people thought differently they'd be wrong.  With things other than that, using some scientific fact, is to me, a far reach.  I mean, do you REALLY know about molecules?  If you've seen one and played with it, good for you, but if you haven't seen something, can you really say it's true?  Yes, you can believe in it, but you can't say you are right.  Are we even sure that the sun makes the grass grow?  We aren't, we correlate the two things and then scientists babble scientific jargon that at least to me will always be their opinions, not mine, until I see the sun helping a plant grow, I will always be open on that subject.  Basically, I've been told the sun helps plants grow, so I believe it, what if that's crap and in fact, plants live random lives based on their water intake, who really knows?  I know I don't, so I believe what is best for my mind, not what some bum has told me to believe. 

Yes, I form opinions, and usually strong ones, but if I can't make them from my own experiences then I will believe in what feels most right to me at the time.  Anyways, kind of a random thought, I'd go into it more but I just got home from work at 7:30 am and it's time to sleep..night!