@conmbo2: Would have been awesome if it was just a Star Wars version of Battlefield :( instead they ripped out all the good bits from the Battlefield series and we got this pretty bland shooter.
@sigma4u2: or instead of doing all those filler missions over and over you could carry on with the main story line and the other side ones that are available in the game..
As for the graphics sure they are not super amazing but they still look good and the game runs really well on Ultra for me.
@lbrindley @Caldrin @OldKye @mihael88 I dont think the MM is rigged even after reading what that guy says..
WOT is a team based game sadly putting a load of random people togeather with no real way of talknig to each other does not lead to working as a team. You will notice that if each team is made up of people grouped togeather they will do a lot better.
Also how is it in any way p2w ? i must admit its been some time since I have played due to enjoying war thunder a lot more but that time I played there was nothing that I had to pay real money for that would allow me to win.
@Spaceweed10 @Caldrin @Gadeos I upgraded from the 670 and i think that was pretty close to the 770.. getting the 970 was a massive boost and well worth the money :)
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