Chronicles of the sword + Tekken force mode = Soul Calibur legendsArmored_cellMore like Chronicles of the Sword + Death by Degrees = Soul Calibur WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!! *puke*
Calfredo's forum posts
That's what people said about 2d gaming, platforming, etc when Sony introduced a new style of gaming to the masses. Where are those games today?This argument is ridiculous. So matter how many games are made for how many people, there will ALWAYS be games for the "hardcore" ones among you to put your insecurity at rest.
The fact is that if the Wii wins, developers will make a lot less of the real games, because the minigame stuff will make them a lot of money. The gaming we currently enjoy will die in comparison of the mass market trend. Unfortunately this time it will mean substituting deep meaningful experiences for shaking some Japanese clown's backside in time to polka music.
It looks almost exactly the same. :|TeufelhuhnAfter all this time? On the 4D console?
Not longer episodes, just higher res episodes.HarbadakusOn ingame televisions the size of your fist (if you go REALLY up close). WOW!
So in the Darkness, cows get to watch longer episodes of Popeye, as opposed to having better textures, AA, loading etc on the 360 version? :|
This was worthpaying $599 U.S. dollars? :S
I rented prince of persia: rival swords. Its allright. but Its not my kinda game. But I have to admit the Wii-mote makes it Much much better though.alchemist007Than the PSP version (which it was ported from)? LMAO! :lol:
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