/sigh lol, i know I just want to make an avatar, it should be pretty fun plying those new primetime games with them. I love M$ for constantly beating up Sony in this current console war.
Caliswansong's forum posts
Oblivion was a great game, yep.
Ok, so I know Lionhead promised aton of stuff they didn't deliver in Fable, and made a stupid comment that it will be the best rpg of all time, but in all honesty, Fable is probably my favorite game I've ever played, and yes I have played a ton of games. You see because I, unlike the masses, choose not to cry over what wasn't in the game, but instead I enjoyed the crap out of what was there. The options weren't a fraction of what they were supposed to be, or what fable 2 will offer, but they were still fantastic and fun as hell. I mean what other game can you get a man to fall in love with you and then take him out into the forest and murder him?
So yea needless to say I think that Fable 2 will blow the socks off of fable 1, Oblivion, the entire Final Fantasy series, and any other game to date, I am more excited about this game than probably anyone else and i can not wait to throw countless hours into creating numerous heros in Albion. If anyone else shares my love of Fable you should add me on XBL my tag is Birdfluu, see you in Albion.
Well, I just spent 2 hours reading the 35 pages of this thread, and wow I can't begin to express how annoyed I am by some of the posters, but I won't get into that.
The motion controller AKA the "Waggle" is not being released, not in september, and def not this year, won't say never, but def not soon. So the Sept. 7th report loses alot of support from the fact that it claims a non-existent accessory is releasing with it.
I kinda am leaning away from believing the November report too, that site just doesn't look right to me. I have no proof or solid reason for my non-belief, I just don't buy it.
As for the Netflix Quality question a few post up, I'm sure it will be just like when you stream a movie on your PC from the netflix instant Q. For those who are unfamiliar with it, it gives you I think 3 options, the first being the fastest yet poorest quality and the 3rd being the best available streaming quality with a much longer Buffer time, but don't forget you can begin to watch the movie while it's still buffering.
Ok, I said i wouldn't touch into this but I can't help but just say this. For everyone complaining that the Avatars are too childish for them, grow up, I mean wow, its just a fun little adittion that is totally optional, you don't have to use it, there for you don't have to complain about it. Also to the countless people that just full out don't like the new set-up, can anyone say scorned Sony fanboys? afraid that microsoft is taking yet another giant leap out in front of there beloved PS3??? no? well I think so.
So I have been to every game site and the rock band 2 site and all I can see is that it releases in september, Game Informer magazine for september has 2 different dates in seperate spots of the magazine, I just want to know when I can buy this stupid game, if you know the date and could link the place you got it from I would be eternally grateful.
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