SUBTITLE: "What would you do if Zombies attacked?"
I was sort of blog hopping through GameSpot a few days ago and I ran across one of the coolest blog posts I'd seen in awhile. So, what else could I do but steal his (TVR_Fan) great idea.
Me, as you would see if you followed the link, I would drive my car through the front doors of Walmart, which is right down the street, and steal a bunch of guns, knives and ammo. Then if it was safe enough, that is if the zombie outbreak was not full blown, I would stop at a convenience store gas station, fill up on gas, steal tons of food and gas cans (using my guns of course) from the store, fill up the cans and head out to my uncle's house in the country. There, I would use his tractor to build a moat around his house, and I would camp out on his roof until the whole thing blew over.
I was thinking about what I would do if my friends and family "turned"; unlike most people in zombie movies, I would use my knowlege of zombies to my advantage, and tragically bash in the heads of my loved ones when they turned into zombies. You have to right?
So, what would you do, my only 4 or 5 readers of this blog?