Ok so this past Sunday I wander into my local Gamestop store as usual just to browse around and see what's for sale. I found me a $20 new copy of Mirror's Edge just b/c I was bored xD! Anyway, as Jeff and I approached the checkout counter to pay and bs with the employees like we always do the employee said that if you pre-order Batman: Arkham Asylum you do in fact get a playable demo of Final Fantasy XIII. I mean I'm pretty sure that coming from someone that works there that he can be a reliable source of such information BUT sometimes it's hard to tell. Or you get some @$$ who just wants to jerk your chain. Just sending this shout out to see if anyone else has heard if this was a rumor, or I've missed a crucial bit of news. Thanks ^^
And just a few short hours til I CAN DL FAT PRINCESS OMFG! *dances around at work*