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Check in??

Uhhhh.... I don't think I like the idea of a check in every hour, and another check every 24 hours.  That's got to be the strangest, suspicious activity I've ever heard of.  What is the REAL reason for this?  Is Microsoft just wanting to spy on us?  Who else is gonna utilize this data besides them?  


I haven't always been a fan of Xbox, but I finally found a way to enjoy my 360.  But I don't see myself buying a Xbox One.... Not saying this to start a flame war, I'm just seriously confused.   I want to be able to share my games with friends if they can't afford to buy the lasted one that came out.  I want that to be reciprocated, when I'm broke this month or if I wanna test a game before I make an actual purchase.


But I have to say, Sony got it right this year.  I love my ps3, and I'm excited for ps4.