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Just can't catch a break

This has been a long an agonizing week for me and Jeff. I've learned to not always think that you're in the clear because there is always something out to get you. Last Thursday as we were pulling into the parking lot of our apt complex the manager and 2 of the maintenence crew had our apt door wide open and were ready to start tossing all of our belongings onto the grass. The manager stated we haven't paid for June and July's rent and if we didn't have money we were out. Just like that. Homeless. Unless we have proof of paying it. This is where life bit us in the rear real good. Jeff always gives the rent to the manager in person EXCEPT these last two months b/c of our car situation, so he's put it in the drop box instead. The apt doesn't take checks anymore so we've been paying with money orders. So frantically we searched the apt for the receipts of the money order, only to realize they were accidentally thrown away b/c they were in his wallet. And I had said a week before then to dump all his old junk out of his wallet cause he keeps old and useless cards in there (that's how the bank card got cracked, and the whole reason he emptied his wallet...apparently without looking at what he tossed). So in order for us not to be evicted that day we had to come up with at least July rent plus court costs. We don't have that kind of money, we're not struggling to get by and all but we never get much left over after bills and groceries. So there was no way. Luckily after calling everyone we knew, a friend was able to bail us out. Now all we have to do is deal with Western Union and my bank to show proof of payment and whatnot to get reimbursed for the 2 months worth of rent, right? Well that's what we're doing, but WU is taking it's sweet time for the investigation. I assume they think we're trying to rip them off....we're just trying not to be evicted, and to pay my friend back who was kind enough to save us. So guys, keep your fingers crossed for us in hopes WU gets off their ass and does something. I swear I hate having to live in MS/TN. It's like they will just give any underqualified moron a job they don't understand. So they sit around with their thumbs up their butt while we have to sweat it out. Ugh.. I'm sorry for letting all this out like this. My nerves are shot from all this. I go to work with my stomach in knots. I'm a zombie when I get home from work. Rinse, repeat. I just needed an outlet. Even as I type I'm shaking cause I can't calm down. :( So to try and take my mind off all this crap, I got my next tattoo towards getting my sleeve done. For those of you who think "Oh hey, if she doesn't have the money, why is she getting ink?!", I wanted to clarify that my husband is an apprentice tattoo artist so I get my work done for free :P. So Friday I got my Moogle done. I'll post a pic when he's done healing.