I don't know about all of you, but on rare occasions the very top right hand corner of GameSpot's website will catch my eye with some little tidbit of interesting information via another website not belonging to them with the exception of it's other site GameFAQs. I guess it's mainly advertising, like one that states "Megon Fox undresses for Transformers" (lol). Anyway, my point being is that not too long ago one of the titles caught my eye, something along the lines of "No free interet in 5 years".
Wtf I thought to myself. I'm probably sure a few of you thought the same thing. So obviously I had to click it to see who in the hell gets free internet in the first place and who do I have to whack with a shovel to get my hands onit before this 5 year mark. Otherwise I've been ripped off for the last7 years I've been paying for cable. :lol:.
Basically what the website is saying that free internet is "an accident of historical moment that will be corrected" and we'll probably be paying to visit some of our favorite sites because certain larger companies like the NewYork Times are losing money because they offer their services online. I'm guessing it will probably bejust like how iPhone and other cell phone owners with similarfunctionspay for their applications they want.
Are we the people at fault or the coorporations for blasting immediate news and video to us? Theses companiesknew that presenting their websites would be a cheap and effective way to get word out and should have realized something of this magnitude would bite them in the ass sooner or later.
But you know, I guess this is the way the U.S. and the rest of the world is heading. People are ready, willing, and waiting for the latest equipment and applications even if they're completely useless. I've seen some of the apps for the iPhone. I know there is someone out there would pay to havea similariFart app on their PCs. The newest games for the PS3 and Xbox360 are littered with DLC so you can even catch the ending of a game. I've even been a slave to purchasing a few costumes online for my little Sackgirl.
I know way back when, I bought my first cell phone, and promptly stated that I would only use it for calls. Two years later when I got an upgrade I stated I'll just use it for calls and txting. So does that mean real soon I'll be saying "Oh I only use my phone for calls, txting and *blank blank blank* number of applications and websites? And will this example actually carry onto our internet?....example:
Person 1 • "Yeah I bought an app to GameSpot, GameFAQs, and even my freakingemail accountso I cankeep in contactmy friends and family, what about you?"
Person 2 • "I hear ya. I just -had- to have that neat app that has a candleflame. And when you blow into your webcam, the flame can flicker or even be blown out! Woo!"
Are we heading for a media centered evolutionary process where we get everything online and handed to us? Are any of you planning on purchasing the right to view a favorite website if this actually comes to fruitition? Hell are we going to have to pay to view a site we are already purchasing items from like Amazon and Ebay? If anyone is interested in reading this bs, here's the link to the site.