*******************IMPORTANT NOTICE BEFORE THE FOLLOWING RANT*******************
Yeah....this rant might actually make some people mad if I actually do get the time to sit down and construct the entire thing like I want. I just want to apologize now for the butt-hurt I'm about to unleash upon my gaming friends here at GameSpot. And when I mean butt-hurt, I mean whatever I'm about to say will trigger the responces from either "hard core" gamers who only play the specified genre I'm about to step on, or the fanboi's. Just know I'm sorry, friends, who have been sucked in. Who knows, ranting this might make me look like a fangirl of sorts. And that's the kind of people who make me mad. So I, myself, make my own self mad. Wtf o_O.
It's been a long time coming, but I think the apocolypse of gaming has finally arrived. And I, for one, am very saddened at this thought. The rest of us held on so long, gripping our controllers late into the night, fearing the terrible disease that's swept the nation hoping that friends and family won't get infected. Our great nation is infected with...dun dun dunnn.... First Person Shooters *gasp*.
Ha! I can already feel the heat of a collective anger of many of you already. How dare I step on toes of SUPER FABULOUS OMGWTFLOLBBQ HEAD SHOOT BOOM games. But that's ok, I guess you have every right to be mad, just like how I and select others are just as mad for the genres we love so much are being smothered with a gravy sauce of bullets then swallowed whole by masses of hungry, bloodthirsty people with headsets on crying out that everyone shall die at their skillfull feet.
They spread that infection to the even younger youth of today. This day and age if you listen carefully while watching your friends play some shooter online, I swear you hear the squeaky high pitched voices of 10-13 year olds who's mouths should be washed out with soap. I'm not against swearing, cause I let out a string of them when I stubbed my toe this morning. But kids at that age are still impressionable, and apparently it's ok for parents to let their children simulate shoot their own friends or people they don't even know and then spew forth words to make even your grandma blush. And most of the time, it's horrible improper english in the first place so they even use the words in the wrong places. *hands them a dictionary* It drains a little bit of my own intelligence each time I hear something like that.
It's even spreading to the adult community. I don't know if any of you ever heard or coined the term "stroking their epeens" but it's something that's constanly resurfacing. Basically, if you haven't ever heard this term it means aperson who over animately brags about something they've done online. "I've gotten this mean head shots in so-and-so campaign" "Ha, I've got the best items from whats-its-place" and "I capped what's-his-nuts so much in blah blah campaign that he won't ever come back." LoL I think I'd love to see a 40 year old man call someone else whats-his-nuts, I might just lose it. It's just bragging rights, but what good is it? Does it give you a discount on online game shopping? Does the president of what's his face gaming corporation give you a gold medal in person? O_o
But in all seriousness, is there any strategy to a FPS? I personally see it as an all out Leroy Jenkins on everyone's @$$. You sit around for 5-15 min waiting on a group to form. Talk crap about the other team. When it's time to go, it's no long a 5 min planned strategy. It's a freaking free for all. You run in, bum rush the other squad with a flood of bullets and do some neaderthal-like man (or woman) dance of victory, rinse, and repeat for the next 15 hours straight. Where's the strategy? Where's the careful planning and watching for weak spots to utilize?
Is this what we heading for though? An era where we are given games that do not stimulate the mind, but to mindlessly point and shoot other players or npc's in the face and think that it actually takes "skill"?! Will we eventually resort back to a simian, knuckle-dragging, species instead of a tatical, planning group of THINKING INDIVIDUALS?!?!?!?! What will become of the gaming era?
So ~ R.I.P. to the games that made us work together (if you so chose on online gaming). R.I.P.rpg's, srpg's, strategy games, simulations, platformers, action/adventures, stealth, flyingand fighters. While on occasion we celebrate and praise the few rare games that rise above the mind numbing point and shoot. Rhythm games jumped easily to the top these last few years. And now a resurfacing of fighters is being joyously thrust foward. People who enjoy role playing patiently wait for a new batch of RPG's to take back their thrown and be immersed in a world totally different from ours. While all the while those who hail from FPS press their fanboisms at us like Jehovah's Witnesses (no offense to religious cults either!!!! sorry!!) banging at our doors that our gaming worlds are dying.
I guess there's no use for the educational system either? >__>
I for one will be still clutching my beloved games, full of excitement and color. Where you fall in love with the characters, and giggle with glee when you discover a particularly difficult puzzle, or a boss' elemental weakness while the rest of you play games that require the minimal amount of effort in worlds that lack color and excitement.