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The good stuff :P

Well I'm in a better mood than usual, b/c after 3 months of it collecting dust, my pc is fixed and back home. Cranked her up last night (yes I make this joke b/c she's ancient in some parts of her lol), and she worked fine! So glad to have my Photoshop back so I can start making siggys and icons again for friends. Since everyone who's ever seen a few of my PS works, I'll post this one. It's the one everyone seems to like the most.

And I can finally uninstall WoW from her to make more room b/c I'm pretty sure I will never go back there. Long live my spriest spacegoat Subhailc in some other demension (/salute).

Totally stoked since last nights 2 hour marathon of Prince of Persia. Can not WAIT to own that game, too bad I asked for it for an Xmas gift lol. Also my name was announced on the marathon b/c I asked a question! I might of been the only chick who asked one, but I'm not sure b/c I had to miss 30 min of the marathon so I could drive home from work. :lol:

Argh one thing I forgot, thanks everyone for the lists of new anime I need to look into! I've written down everything and hopefully I can find them, and get most for a decent price. So now since it's all wintery and stuff finally down here, I can snuggle up on the couch with the remote and ps3 controller, get pudgy and watch movies. And game, oh yes.

Is anyone else excited by the new Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles? I know I am! >__>

Oh and lastly, after a friend showed me who was gonna be on the new Wolverine movie, I about had a purring fit! I mean Wolverine is just awesome to begin with, and Hugh Jackman does an excellent job. But I've always had some odd fantasy type-thingy for Gambit. Mebbie I watched too much of the cartoon when I was a kid lol. And here's the hottie.