Bioshock, especially the first time you kill a big daddy and the little girl starts crying: "what's wrong mr. Bubbles? Why won't you wake up?!"
Camoth2's forum posts
I'll have to answer the question the other way around (I'm a woman).
Hell, I've tried to get my guy to play games. He just loses interest within 10 minutes of playing. It's all too hard for him and he can't seem to memorize the controls. The only games I can get him to play are:
- Wii Sports
- Mario Party (but only if we team up against the AI, he doesn't want to play against me, because he knows he'll lose)
- Mario Kart
- Kinect Adventures
Anything else, he gives up. It's just not his thing. After trying to get him into games for months I stopped trying. I thought it through and decided that he's just not interested in video games, and that's okay. He likes to collect rare coins, remodel/repair houses and watch Discovery Science all day on sundays. It would be like him trying to get me excited to go and collect rare coins; it's not going to happen. So as long as he will allow me to play my games and I allow him to watch Discovery Science all day on sundays, we're good. Just respect the fact that in some ways we are different, but we love each other just the same.
edit: Oh, I play:
Diablo III, Bioshock games, Assassins Creed, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, L.A. Noir, F.E.A.R., Quake 4, Fable games, Dead Space, Max Payne 3 and thats all I can come up with now, but I have more :-p
These are the issues with the search function I'm having:
- I have to spell the name of the game EXACTLY right in order to find it, and even then it's sometimes impossible. For example, try these: "Asassins Creed" (missing one S), "The Walking Dead Season 2" (will give you ONLY , while I'm actually looking for , which I can only find by typing "The Walking Dead: Season 2" and pressing enter to get the whole results page.
- Results I get aren't the games that are most recently released or most popular, for example: "Batman" will give me games I've never even heard off (Quiz Trivia??? The Movie???) and not Arkham Asylum or Arkham City etc.
Please fix this. It is really getting on my nerves big time.
I am from Holland.
Strangely enough, without doing anything to my phone, the issue has magically dissappeared!
Jeej Gamespot! Now I can watch my shows again before going to sleep tonight! Hurray! :cool:
Here are some screenshots from the Galaxy Express:
Another add (sorry, there's not edit):
Specs from the other phone:
Android: 2.2.1
I also tested it on my BlackBerry Bold -> works fine, no issues.
Others also report it started with visiting
These are the specs of the phone I use mainly:
Modelnr: GT-I8730
Androidversion: 4.1.2
Kernelversion: 3.4.0-1006842
When I go to any page (be it a direct link or indirect through a search engine) on either of my two Android phones (different versions of Android), I get a popup, eventhough I have popups disabled, that says in my native language something like: warning! You need to install a virus scanner (etc etc). The only option I can choose is "okay". There is no cross or cancel option. When I choose the back button it redirects me to their website anyway.
This is NOT a virus that got in my phone through some app I installed. I know this because:
- Two different phones, different Android versions, different apps installed
- It does this in any browser, Chrome, Standard Browser, Dolphin
- It only does this when I go to any page on, except for direct links to mp4 videos
What have I done to resolve this:
- I scanned my phones for malware using AVG and Ad Network Detector
- Deleted cookies, cache and browser history
When I disable cookies and Java in my browser, the page loads fine and without any issues. This leads me to believe it is either a cookie or a Java issue with the website (maybe a Java virus???).
When you Google search "" there are multiple people reporting this issue on other forums on the web. It seems to have begun somewhere this week, with me atleast. Last week and before that I never had this issue and I havent installed any apps or downloaded anything in the meantime.
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