I remember when this battle started between MW2 and Bad Company. I was a huge MW2 fan. Then I picked up Bad Company and played it for a week and said "I guess this is better than MW". After a week I put MW2 back in my Xbox. Bad Company never saw my Xbox again. The EXACT same thing happened between Black Ops and Bad Company 2 for me. Moral of the story: the "knowledgable" or "elite" gamer is not as smart as he thinks he is. I know the "elite gamers" will trash you for being "dumb" to like Call of Duty, but I dont care. It is hands down the better series. The "elite gamer" just thinks he is cool because he is going against the masses. Sometimes, the masses are right, like in this case.
I am trading this game in for FEAR 3 as soon as it comes out. This game is terrible. I cant believe I let the gamespot clerk tricking me into buying this garbage.
Camper_On_Creat's comments