Well, it's time for my anual upgrade (unfortunately this is becoming way too frequent). I decided to go ahead and buck the trend and stick with AMD. I went ahead and purchased a new MB GIGABYTE GA-MA790FX-DS5 AM2+ RT and put a new Phenom 9600 on hold (I'm waiting to see if they release the 9900 anytime soon......). Anyway, you can check out the specs of the board here, It's definitely pretty sweet and I can't wait to get my hands on it!
Also, I went ahead and picked up some new ram (figured if I'm going to build a decent PC, might as well have the right stuff!) you can find the link here, I purchased two sets of this.
In the end, I guess I could have bought a playstation 3 instead but, since I do most of my game playing and work on my pc, I might as well re invest in it.