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Canned_Peanuts Blog

Black Ops!!!

So, I got Black Ops about, oh a month ago, and it is AMAZING. I was just wondering if any of you guys have it on the 360. My Gamertag is RiceCake871, and I'd like to add you if want. 'Course, not many people read my blogs, so I'm not sure I'll get any takers...

Pre-ordered Reach...

So, I pre-ordered Halo Reach a few days ago, and I can't wait for it to come out. I didn't get to try the beta 'cause I didn't have Gold at the time, but from what I've heard, it's amazing. Halo 3 is awesome, so I don't see why I wouldn't like Reach. The only thing is that we got the value shipping, so I'll prolly have to wait a while before I get it. Oh well... Anyone else gettin' Reach?

MW2 Wii, B-day Recommendations, Random...

So, there's been a few rumors going around that there's gonna be a MW2 prot to the Wii. A COD Wiki site says it, and apparently Wikipedia, but who knows if that's true... Anyone heard anything legit about this? I've played MW2 on the 360, so I'd be very interested if it's comin' to the Wii...


So, my b-day's comin' up next month, and I need some game recommendations. I'm already asking for Monster Hunter Tri, Mass Effect 2, and Metro 2033. Anyone have any good games for Wii/360 that they'd rocommend? (Keep in mind that I only have 4 360 games... ;))


Why is bubble wrap SO MUCH FUN? It confuses me...


I love cheese. :D

Chicken Pot Pie...

I just said the first thing that pooped int-HA! I said pooped. :D I meant POPPED into my head.... Anyways...

Meh iz bored...

I don't know what to do... I don't want to go play a game, and I don't want to watch TV... OOOH! I'll watch a movie. But wait, I've seen all of our movies...

But I taped The Day the Earth Stood Still today... Maybe I'll watch that...

Do you know how much stupid stuff I have that's made someone somewhere ridiulously rich? A LOT...

I'm so tired... *throws somke bomb thingy* Sha-BAM! *disappears in smoke*

My Week.

*sigh* I'm bored... So... I think I'm gonna write a blog about my week. Aren't you lucky? :P

Aherm, so, here goes...


So, I got up and went to church (like always), and then we went to this art show thing 'cause my sis won $30 for a little weaving she made. I wish I got 30 bucks... Then I went to church again. Then I had to go to these peoples' house for an extra little devo. And you know how Wendy's restaurants have those window rooms? They had one of those in their house... It was kewl...


Whelp, I had school (shocker), and when I got home, I had to make a poster thingy for science. Then, I had to go to this award banquet for maitaining an A average... Bleh...


School was boring. The Juniors were taking ACTs, so we had to stay in 1st block for 3 hours. When I got home, I had to write 2 essays; one was a reasearch paper for English over Vincent van Gogh. The other one was so I could get into Honnors English again next year, but I didn't write it, so I wrote it the next day in 1st block.


So, this was probably my favorite day. I got everything turned in, which took a load of stress off. Our English teacher told us a story about this kid she knew who's name was Shethed (SHUH-thed)... But you can use your imaginations on how his name was REALLY spelt... Poor kid... Anyways, I went to church after school, and we walked around town for a little while. Heh, when the signs told us to "Walk," we ran. Made me feel like a rebel. Then, we played Sardines outside the church, which was tons of fun. Then I came home and took a shower.


Thursday... Yeeeah... Uh... Thursday was pretty good, but I honestly can't tell you anything that happened... :?


Today was extremely boring. Mostly because all I did was busy work and yesterday felt like Friday. OH, but this was the first week since Christmas break where we went a full week. Thank you snow. :P

So, there you go. A complete run-over of my week. Not that you needed to know...

OH! So, on Wednesday, we ate at Krystals, and I got a Big Angus Chili Chese burger. That thing was AMAZING.

Okay, NOW I'm done. :D

Hello. My name is Riley, and I'm a chocoholic...

Okay, so I don't know what it is, but ever since fall, I've been, like, addicted to chocolate. Maybe there's just something that makes girls like chocolate more and more as they get older... I dunno. But I'm so surprised I don't have a cavity yet... Anyone else having this problem?