Dont compare ME3 with art, ME2 was prolly art, but looks like all the carefull writing made on Me1 and ME2 to be carefull all the variables choices players did were all pass to a amateur writer mby freelancer and then f*ck up the entire game with that end, OMG 3 completelly same endings? never even un the story of bioware a game with multiple endinigs had 3 ends with same outcome, 3 of them shepard die, 3 of them all mass relay network is destroyed, all 3 of them normandy is chase by a f*ck ball (1 color each ending) all 3 ends normady is on a wierd unknown planet, all 3 ends SUCK! The game was perfect till the end? What the hell happened??? did they give the end to be write to some amateur EA executive son? why is the game so compleling and intense and then the end was you dont want to be killed by synthetics so I made this shynthetics to kill you all!? why is the problem were synthetics rebellion on the masters the problem why soverign use geths to f*ck all, and if that was the problem why reapers just dont come as guardians and each time they come just destroy synths? If the problem was the cycle of everytime organics make AI those destroy the creators, just make the reapers to come and save organics butt by destroying just the syntetics!?!?!?!?! WHY isn't that the SOLUTION?!?!?!?
Caotico69's comments