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Wii Crisis - The Worst Two Weeks of my Life

I finally got my wii back from Nintendo today. I had been having issues with it and had to mail it to Nintendo to have it fixed. After two long weeks of waiting, I was absolutely thrilled to have finally got it back. However, inside the box that my wii was mailed in, there were some papers. One of them said:

"Due to the malfunction, we were not able to recover any data associated with your system. This includes game save data, message and address book information, and any history you may have had in the Everybody Votes Channel."


Clearly, I was angry! Most of this fury was due to the fact that I had spent over 22 hours playing The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and that I was nearing the end of the game. But the other reason for my rage was that I had been tricked. When I first called Nintendo to set up my wii being mailed, the representative led me to believe that Nintendo would be able to recover the data on my hard drive. He told me that they would be able to save my memory. He mentioned the possibility of 1 save file not being able to copy. The piece of dirt lied to me!!!!!!!

And to make me even more frustrated, I had to reconfigure all of my wii settings. For petes sake, the wii thought I lived in some country called Anguilla. Where the freak is that! I took Geography and I was so good that I got a 100% in that class. Not once did I ever hear the word Anguilla. Never!

So, now that my Wii is registered to some mysterious country, I have wasted 22 hours on a game for nothing, and I am now pissed out of my mind, I can honestly say that the two weeks waiting for this thing were the worst two weeks of my life.