Starting with Science Fiction movies, of which, are my favorite genre in the movie industry. A genre that is often mistaken for fantasy. All to often I have seen fairys and wizards and knights in movies that have been labeled, for some mysterious reason, science fiction. But enough complaining about termology. Lets get on with my list of movies. (One day when i'm in a bad mood, i'll post the movies I hate.)
Star Wars-
Ah yes. Star Wars. What can I say about thee that has not been said before? Star Wars is not simply a movie. It is, the movie. The quintessential movie. While anyone can disagree with me on any other movie i'm about to post on this list, I have difficulty understanding anyone who could possibly hate the original Star Wars. Of course, I usually can just chalk these people up as crackpots. As they tend to put movies like "You Got Served"and "Fast and the Furious"on their favorites list.
Star Wars plot is deep. Yet not so deep that one has to sit and ponder for hours about the movie. It is the perfect balance of complexity and simplicity in a movie plot. With stunning spiecal effects thrown in.I first saw Star Wars when I was 4 years old.From the first opening seconds of the movie I was completely hooked. And when I found out their was more. I simply couldn't wait. And HAD to see the rest.
The movie continuation to Joss Whedon's brilliant but short lived TV series. Once again, the movie manages to strike that perfect spot between complex and simple plots. It is comparable to, but not similar, to StarWars. The entire context of the series as well as the movie is quite simply, "If Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon got their own show." But unlike Star Wars, Serenity receives little aid in terms of speical effects, (despite how well the movie looked, the series was always on a small budget) and reliesmostly on it's diverse, interesting, and entertaining characters. With the rest of the power coming from the intersting universe.
The Matrix-
Ruling out the two miserable sequels, (of which who's existence I do not even consider) this movie was hell of alot of fun. However, I like the movie mainly for it's speical effects and oh so awesome fight scenes. Now many people would complain at my lack of respect for the story. But they can quite frankly shove it. I found the movie's plot to be somewhat contrived, and a little over done. However the amazing fight scenes and effectsmore than warrant a watch.
The End of Evangelion-
Quite literally the end of Anno's groundbreaking anime series. Many felt that the original ending to the series was extremely disapointing. And as a result, some fans actually sent death threats to Anno over it. (This is terribly moronic and makes me embarrased to live amonst the people on this universe. Thethought that people actually threatened Anno's life over a TV show is, believe it or not, more fear inducing to me than even him. It's times like this I look back at John Lennon's murder, and realise that I was not halucinating. People acutally have the nerve to kill over media.) But as for the movie itself. I found the plot to be entertaining, (althouth I hope you haven an I.Q. over 100, it requires quite the pondering)and the final fight betweenAsuka and the mass produced Evas simply being the greatest anime fight scene of all time. The only aspect of this movie I can bring myself to hateis the character of Shinji Ikari himself. God, I so want to just exist in his universe long enough to yell into his face, "CHEER UP EMO KID!"
Titan A.E-
It was brutalized by the critics. I picked up the DVD as soon as I could (like I said, i'm always looking for a good sci fi) and was stunned at what i'd missed.I found the movie to be surprinsingly entertaining and opento all members of the family. Even my cousin who has never seen a family movie in his life enjoyed this. Isthe plot weak? Yes. Is it full of holes? Yes. But is it still fun? Hellz yes.
The Chronicles of Riddick-
It hasn't got much going for it the way of storylines. But it doesn't need that. Riddick alone carries the movie. As he isquite simply a badass. Is he your average cheesy action hero? (Or better yet, anti hero.) Yes. Butis he just awesome? Also yes. Now many will deride the movie for it's lack of plot and characters, but these people honestly need to lay back and calm down. Pull that stick out of your ass for once. And you might just have some fun.
Star Trek 2. The Wrath of Khan-
Let me get one thing clear. I hate modern Trek. Everything since TNG has sucked ass. All of the recent series have succeded in doing nothing but alienating me. Espically the oh so bad Enterprise.When Star Trek 6 was released, I saw lines streaming out of the theatre going over a mile down the street. When Nemesis was released, hardly a whimper could be heard from the 1 or 2 people that attended only because they had a few dollarsburning a hole in their pockets. Oh how the mighty have fallen.And all I can do is look back on the good ol days of TOS and the first 6 movies.And realise that those good times, are over. Star Trek 2 was a very good movie. Even non Trekkies can enjoy this flick. The whole "Hunt for Red October" in space concept is applied quite well. And this movie has some of the best ship to ship fight scenes in Trek history. (Some of the only ship to ship fight scenes in Trek history.) Khan himself is a devious villain. Ricardo Montalban is a wonderful actor and brought the part of Khan to life with a skill and grace that can never be matched.