When going through the marketplace nothing is appearing for me, no Add-ons, demos or anything. :\ I want DA2!!!!
Captain-Leg's forum posts
FPS games are just starting to annoy me now. I do have played a fair amount of them, but just feel they are all the same now. Nothing original, nothing new. I personally blame CoD, though i'm not hating on it. It's an amazing franchise with it's own merits which i always enjoy playing. I just feel too many other companies are taking advantage or are seeing that FPS games will make it big not matter what you shove into it, and therefore, we have so many of them making it a stale selection of games for me...
I'm gonna get KZ3 first, downloading the demo now. I'm purely buying because the multiplayer was just amazing in the second game. I'll have to try the bulletstorm demo but for now it's just KZ :P
I'm pretty sure i'm actually going to buy this one. I love Oblivion though i've never owned it and sunk over 100 hours into it. Day one purchase for me and hope the improvements exceed my expectations. I am currently going through Oblivion again with my old character to get the full Gamerscore. Skyrim ftw tbh.
I suggest you get world of warcraft battlechest. It would be fun and can tend to use a lot of your time.
Agreed :D
I got this a couple months ago when ipgraded my graphics. Is really an easy game to run. But it isn't sometimes nice to look at. I get alot of screen tearing. I've tried all the fixes to minimize it but it is simply a bad port of the excellent xbox version. Only perk is that it runs at 60+ fps :D
I had loads of problems installing though. Running Vista Ultimate it would just crash on loading, or saving. These magically went away with no patch or anything. Was so random.
My highest ever is 18 on CoD4 just the other day. Wet work, run and gun with a M4 Carbine. Was insane.
MW2 is around 15-16. Can't really remember.
My friend says there were a couple of servers up. But as far as i know, everyone still plays the shipped maps.
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