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Vegas Baby

The newest game in one of the most genre defying games ever is Rainbow Six Vegas the game that takes a twich game and makes it a thinking mans game. There Much to be said about the genre but the newest game is taking a direction that many older gamers of the sersies many not like and newbies to the serise will love. Its making the teams smaller and is making the game a much faster pace fight through Sin City. The Demo they showed at E3 was intresting and had alot of cool features and new ideas but its going away from its predcessors. One Idea that I my self hate and belive that it will never work and frankly will fail. But if your new to the series and your a Halo sort of a person then by an means check the game out. But to me Ubisoft is strying to far away from the Classic Redstorm Games making me think that there trying to make the game something its not. Lets hope that Ubisoft Rethinks what there doing and trys to see that there leaving many dedicated fans behind.