Just so everyone knows, I'd like to start off by saying that (on the subject of upgrading my PS3's hard drive) I've already done much googling, read several written tutorials (including gamespot's one), read a few of the stickied threads here, and even tried to search other posts (don't quite get the search function here though - don't post much). I just figured that reading the answers to the exact questions I've been wondering would clear a lot of things up for me...
After nearly 2 years, my 40GB PS3 hard drive is finally full, and I'd like to upgrade to something like a nice 250GB. My questions on the subject are:
1. Is this tutorial reliable? (seems to be, but is it good enough to follow entirely?)
2. Will any 2.5" SATA, 5400rpm, FAT32 formatted HDD do? (I guess I'll get a Seagate like in most of the tutorials... That's fine, yes?)
3. So for any HDD that's above 32GB, when being formatted to FAT32 it needs to made into several partitions no larger than 32GB? Won't this confuse the PS3 maybe? (also anyone know of any good programs for formatting or is the default Windows utility fine?)
4. What is lost when using the PS3's HDD backup utility? (I assume game-saves are kept, and game installations don't really matter. What about things like paid DLC? PSOne games? Demos? Downloaded PSN games? Other random junk likes pictures or videos I have floating around on my PS3? 3 key things that stand out to me are "If you restore on a different system some data will not be restored", "...user information will not be backed up" and "Limitations may apply when backing up certain copyright-protected content".
5. I need to reinstall the OS once the HDD is replaced, yes? Do I just do this the same way I normally would do it via USB? (folder called 'PS3' inside that a folder called 'UPDATE'?)
Thanks for takin' the time to read all this, sorry about all the text, and thanks a lot in advance!
Happy hunting! (whatever that means... )
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