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Captinkidd Blog

Next Gen. Next Reviews

Ahhh, to have a working PS4(I say working because I got a day one PS4 and some problems came with it, but Sony was nice enough to send me another one and it works great) anyway I can't wait for the line up of games to come, such as Infamous Second Son, Watch Dogs, Destiny, Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts 3 the list goes on and on I might have to upgrade my HD to 1 TB or 2TB!! oh damn this is getting cray cray

Damnit Candy Crush...

I tell you what Candy Crush, I don't know why I continue to play you, your game style is **** impossible sometimes, and I end up wasting like 30 retrys just on one ******* level, and then you expect me to use my money to beat the levels, wtf Candy Crush, there's challenging beatable and then there CC Hardcore God mode, but my gamer mode is all like you can get through it, whatever...I'll venture forward....

Love to Review!

Well as you noticed I'm back to reviewing games, I really love throwing my two cents into weather people go buy a game or not, I really love feed back as well, if you think i could do better, just tell me I love the criticism.

Reviewing and No Pelvic thrust!!

I like to state that I like to review games, new and old I like to give my opinion about games out there, plus helping people buy games that they would enjoy that's an award of in itself. I would make a great host on X-Play or I can make my own reviewing show. Also I like to point out that I would like to see a pelvic Thrust Animation on Playstation Home, but no one else see's the comedy in that, just the negative.

I got the move cuz Kevin Butler told me too..

I got the PSMove awhile ago, and I gotta say I do like the percise motion controls, and we got Sports Challenge and DLC of Mesmerize Trance, its pretty fun and I like the move but gotta get more games to further my opinion on it. We shall see. Gladiator is the best.

Back to my Name

So I recently left my Magickwarrior gamertag on PS3 and went back to Captinkid, it's just feels right for me that name just feels right for me, I've had it for years now and its been my gamertag for basically everything :D

New Tags OMG :D

I have a new gamer tag on PS3 network so if you want to find me online and play with me my gamertag is


find me and add me as a friend i dont have many but i want more the more the better :D

X-Mas List?

You ever get to a point in life where you can't think of anything to ask for christmas, then I remember...I'm a gamer damnit my lust for collecting, beating, and having every single game will never die hahahahahhahahaha

10 days b3fore x-mas and i barely know what i want, it's not cuz i have alot, cuz i don't, its becuz i have everything i want in life, besides it's not important if i get anything or not, it's spending time with family.....a game wouldn't hurt though lol

Why PS2 flatout pwnd the console wars between X-Box and Gamecube...

Because games are still being made for PS2, I mean come on that's just badass when there still putting out games for that console and not the other ones, I went to and I went to like the X-box and Gamecube section and theres nothing new, some one please tell me why that is, I mean I had fun with both X-Box and Gamecube but PS2 is just flatout better, if you dont believe me look at the sales and the games, then tell me I'm wrong, X-box and gamecube are fun to play but in my opinion PS2 is still to this day the better console.

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