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#1 CaptionClosed
Member since 2012 • 25 Posts
Wow, either this games incredibly unpopular, or (and I hope it's not this) this is one of those wanna be elitist forums who won't respond to new posters. I'm hoping it's the former, because I like this place, and thought I finally found a good video game forum.
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#2 CaptionClosed
Member since 2012 • 25 Posts
I apologize if this thread has already been made. I did a search for Dragons Dogma, and didn't see it, maybe I missed it. But if not, lets use this thread to talk about Dragons Dogma. Whether it be talking about how much you love it, or hate it. Maybe you need help on a quest, or just have some questions before buying the game. Whatever it is Dragon Dogma related let's discuss it here. I just got the game a few days ago and I love it. It reminds me of Elder Scrolls, Two Worlds/Two Worlds 2, Fallout, Fable, and a little Devil May Cry. I'm having a lot of fun with the game. So far I've only done a couple of missions/quests whatever, so I haven't done any real exploring. So I actually have a question myself. Does this game have non story related dungeons for you to raid and loot like Elder Scrolls? How open ended is it really? Can you go anywhere, kill anyone? Are there skills like pick pocket? Or is it more open ended action RPG? Honestly, what I care most about is the open endedness and whether or not there are dungeons to explore that have zero effect on the story. Also what cool features does this game have that others don't? I heard you can combine weapons like Two Worlds to make them stronger, don't know if it's true. Let's talk about this great game. Of course not everyone will like it, but you're not helping anyone by coming in here and flaming. It's one thing to state your opinion and say you disagree and don't like the game, but please don';t do stupid childish flaming. Alright, hopefully this thread takes off, because I'd like to learn more about this game.
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#3 CaptionClosed
Member since 2012 • 25 Posts
Sorry to bump an old thread, don't know if OP made a choice, but I owned both DD an Max Payne, and I would say you should absolutely get Dragons Dogma. Assuming you played the game through making zero mistakes and never going off discovering you're looking at over 120 hours of game play. I call it "Elder Scrolls: Capcom Edition". If you enjoy the Elder Scrolls/Fallout games, you'll adore DD. Max Payne is a lot of fun, but doesn't compare to the first one. In fact I'd say even with the outdated graphics, Max Payne 1 is twice as good as Max Payne 3. It's a lot of fun at first, but gets repetitive very quickly, as all you do is shoot enemies. If you want a game similar to Max Payne 3, I'd get Red Dead Redemption. I know it's old now, but I still play that game a lot and I've had it since launch. Max Payne is not at all open ended, where as DD is, and Red Dead as well. Picture Grand Theft Auto in a western setting and you've got Red Dead Redemption. I'd say Max Payne is a 7/10, Red Dead a 10/10 and Dragons Dogma a 9/10 (I'm only in about an hour, still wearing my commoners clothes lol) and already can see DD is a far superior game than Max Payne. It's open ended, there's over a hundred hours game play, the combat is fun, you can literally climb up giant monsters all the way to the head and hack and slash at them like that, where in other similar games (Elder Scrolls 4 Skyrim) you're limited to slashing at their shins, which is silly. I suppose you can sever an artery in the shin and they can bleed out, but that's a stretch of imagination. Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is better than Dragons Dogma, but Dragons Dogma is a great game. If you haven't chosen yet, which I'm guessing you did, I'd get DD. If you went with Max Payne, you'll have fun, but get bored quickly, if you want a great shooting game get Red Dead, made by the same people (Rockstar) so it's got that dark humor, plus the game play and the shooting is fun as hell. Also, if you did get Max Payne, no biggie, it's a good game, but I suggest you get Dragons Dogma as well. As someone said earlier "Get them both if you can" but if you can only get one, DEFINITELY Dragons Dogma. Sorry if this is a late bump or breaking rules, I'm new to this particular forum. I usually post at non specific forums, ie: forums where you can discuss anything. I've only ever posted at GameFAQs forum, but I didn't like it, the people were all very immature. This community seems a lot more intelligent and mature. Anyway, OP, I hope you enjoyed whatever you got. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about DD or Max Payne, or any of the games I mentioned. And thank you for having me in your community here. :)
Dragons dogma is a flat and bland game easily forgettable . Where as Max Payne 3 is entertaining and high voltage and has a great Multiplayer to kee it fresh and R* already promised 7 DlCs this year !Venom951
The multiplayer in Max Payne is not very good. Red Deads multi-player FAR surpasses Max Payne. I've read a bunch of reviews saying that the multi-player in Max Payne shouldn't even be there. Also, DD promises DLC as well. Max Paynes like a 20 hr game max, and thats if you **** up a lot. Dragons Dogma is 120 hrs if you do it all perfectly. Don't listen to this guy, Max Payne 3 is easily forgettable. I sold it less than a week after getting it. Now Max Payne ONE on the other hand is unforgettable. In fact, that's one of the best games ever made, with some of the best story telling in any video game in history. I think Venom confused Max Payne 3 with Max Payne 1 for the PC with the multiplayer mod. Hell, I'll go as far as to say Max Payne 3 kinda sucked.

This is going to sound crazy but if you like both why not go for Dragons Dogma just based on the fact Max Payne will sell just fine, where as Dragons Dogma actually needs support.

I always try to support the games that arent mass appealing, these games, developers & original IPs can only get off the ground if we help them. Im not saying buy something you dont like, im saying if you see a game you know you like its always a good thing to show these games love.

You're actions speak to the publishers. Its says we can make games that arent mindless shooting games & gamers will support them, otherwise if the publishers keep seeing the only thing that keeps selling are sequels & shooters ( max Payne, Call Of Duty, etc ) then the game industry is going to keep digging itself further & further into the grave.

I like to support the unique, different & new. Otherwise the industry will continue down the path of every game being nothing but action games, mindless shooters & rehashed sequels.

Yeahhhh except Dragons Dogma has been picked up for a sequel.
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#4 CaptionClosed
Member since 2012 • 25 Posts
I've had XBox since the beginning but I just never really got into Gears. I finally decided at GameStop to buy number 3. I plan to mainly play online so story isn't important. Did I make a good choice getting this game? It's got good reviews but I like hearing from real people.