I think it's time for the Internet to know. I choose this place because it seems that I had done most things here.
My age doesn't matter, I can act either like a 30 years old man or a 15 years old teen.... what I'm about to type here is the truth, who am I, why I fail at life... who really is CarbineSoldier.
I don't seek attention, I seek satisfaction, with myself. Since I started to play video games, my life was both good and bad. My parents divorced back in 2002, but that wasn't a reason to fail. The reason of why I fail at life is unknown, I may never know what caused my life to go down to a hole. I don't know if this is part of some plan God has for me, or an already made destiny.
When I first created this username... this alter-ego, I was proud of myself. I tought I could find memorable experiences over the internet, over gaming, wich was a very important part of my life. This was tonned down because of... who knows. I don't know what happened. I suddendly just started to suck at videogames. I was always defeated in multiplayer games, being laughed at.... while my username, this alter-ego was created for the reason that I wanted something unique, something to cause fear in my enemies, someone I want to be... but that failed.
I never were recognized, because I couldn't play like what I could do. I could become some of the best video games player in history, I could become someone, in life.... but I can't, there is an uknown reason why I can't accomplish this. I got tired of videogames, but not for that. After playing video games for almost 10 years, one of my most important daily life's basis was eliminated, it went off, for an unknown reason. The last game I played was Warcraft 3, and that was 3 days ago, I didn't even finished it.
Now, I find myself in a tough act. I can't play video games anymore, maybe barely, but not as I used to play. I don't find anything that isn't negative in my life, everything just looks... obscure to me. I don't even find a reason to live anymore, the world could be better without me... and no, I would NEVER attempt at commiting suicide. It's a sign of cowardince, dishonor, and it's against the morals and laws of God. Only God himself has the right to... erease someone in this world.
As I am writing this, I am thinking what will happen after I type this... many will critizice this Blog... but I don't care, I can have a place where to express myself, and I am free to do so. My Intelligence, Strenght, Morale... is lost. CarbineSoldier could be dead by now. My dreams of making a grand video game, one to appeal to all the world... may never come true. It will be just as my other plans, a dream floating in the dark deeps of my mind. And being a hardware knowing guy... what a wonderful job that is.
What I want all of you to know is, to live your life, enjoy every second, moment of it... don't let a little disturbance make you feel terrible, don't let failure get you. You must triumph, Earth depends on how we humans take care of her, and you and many others shall take care of her, as it's our homeland, where we were born. I want to be an example of what can failure cause, and make you win, laugh at difficult times while enjoying life. Don't make the mistakes I did, to let failure get me. I aren't the best example, but I tried....
Although my alter-ego might be as well dead, I want you all to remember this: There will only be one and true CarbineSoldier. And I am no emo.
Although I took time to write all of this crap, I feel a little better now. Good gaming, Internet Society! CarbineSoldier, out. I might as well start to prepare for my doom... the prophecies are becoming true... I am falling, being almost out of Human Society and life... but the Golden Age of the Human race is approaching, or at least I hope so... 2012, the New 5000 years Epoch will commence. And I might be... reborn? I'm not crazy, read the Mayan prophecies.
How stupid, idiotic, idiot, imbecile, *******, piece of crap I am... but I'm not pathetic.
This might or not be real, and this isn't a joke either. Believe what it is, it isn't nothing more than a blog. Wether you think is stupid, emo, nonsense, attention idiot... I don't care. Believe whatever you want. I'm sure going to be around the internet still...
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