I just got an Xbox 360 ten days ago. Right now I have a conflict with my family so I can't play much... only like 3 to 5 hours 2 or 4 days of the week, and I still have a GamerScore of almost 1000.
My favorite game and most played right now is Dead or Alive 4. In fact is the only game I own. Others, except Hexic, wich was included with my console... were either rented or borrowed. Hell, I haven't even finished the campaign of Advanced Warfighter. I am just addicted to DOA4, and my PC was attacked by a virus and I can't use it, so I am sticking with an old 450Mhz PC right now. I will get a new PC later this year or eraly next year.
Gears of War, Crysis, Halo 3, Double Agent and other great games are looking good, but I want to wait and see what people think of it.
I don't like multiplayer games too much... I only play with people I know, friends and family. My brother is playing Multiplayer games like Perfect Dark Zero and G.R.A.W. because I accidentally applied the Xbox Live Gold free subscription for a month... I haven't even tried the multiplayer games nor I am interested in them.
The only Mutliplayer game I had ever played by purpose and because I liked it was Counter-Strike Source, but that was seven months ago. I had retired from it. It's just not fun anymore. It got very repetitive and boring. I couldn't stand the annoying people that got mad just because I teamkilled them when they ran straight ahead of my line of fire while I was providing cover or trying to eliminate the enemy players, or calling me a "noob" because I had been playing for a short time. And by the way I didn't sucked in it. I just didn't liked it anymore.
I had passed enough time already to have a fun match with my favorite characters in Dead or Alive 4. But I miss F.E.A.R... a lot. I will get it for Xbox 360 also, but I like it a lot when playing in the PC too.