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Carbon-Sniper Blog

Good Tidings!

Weekly updates from now!
The Holidays are upon us and it's my favourite time of the year! Why? Awesome Games are released, thats why! ^^

Over the next two months i look forward to some excellent games, on the top of my list is;

Modern Warfare 2, ok it's heavily overated i know, but still i loved the first game as it stole a whole section of the gaming market that had yet to be explored. I've been in dire need of a good FPS with a solid multiplayer to pss the time, and this will fill it just fine :)

Borderlands, Featuring Guns, detailed character system, guns, imersive roleplay, some more guns and even more guns! Wow, this game will consist of running around shooting stuff, find a better gun, shoot some more stuff find a bigger and better gun and shoot some more stuff! Hey, who says thats a bad thing :p

Dragon Age Origins, I'm a hard to please RPG type of guy, my favs being Dragon Quest VIII, Oblivion and Mana Khemia. This might just have what it takes to satisfy my needs

Need for Speed Shift, wait no police? no open roads? no stupid plot? Thats right Need for speed returns to form with Shift. Back to good old circuits with all the perks of customization included. Boasting an amazing cockpit view and orgasmic engine noises *drools*.............moving on

Assassins Creed II, the game which fans don't know what to think of the first game. Some love it some hate it, i personally like it, it took a new step in a different direction and the result was great. Although shame on you for making us think there was a cross bow!

Gran Turismo 5, the original racing sim is back to claim it's throne from Forza (fun fact: all forza games were release between GT4 and GT5), boasting a ****load of Tracks, Cars and Hi-Def!

Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, my favourite platforming duo return to finish off the 'Future' trilogy, personally i'm not a huge fan of this 'Trilogy' but i'm glad they finally brought back Dr. Nefarious as the Villian. I'm also not a huge fan of the clank sections and the zoni it's just not as entertaining as Ratchet: Gladiator or Ratchet 3.

Lastly, theres still no official release date for Lost Planet 2 or MAG, but heres hoping it's soon!


I got Shadow of the Colossus!
I've been waiting to get a good price for it, £14.99, thats half of the average price for it ^^
I look forward to playing that later ;p

Also on a side note, Lost Planet 2 demo!!!!!!!! Omg it's sooooo.....well i can't describe it, it's that good.
Sorta like Monster Hunter + Shadow of the Colossus (ironically) but with guns.

I'm in love with it already!! :p

The New Year

Well with Crimbo over and cashing in on the 'January Sales', i managed to pick myself up a HD TV. As well as Resistance 2, Cod5 and Saints Row 2 (Pre-Owned £15 :P).
And i've gotta admit i'm dissapointed.

Resistance 2 isn't the sequel i was hoping for, ok ok it's got some good improvements and good co-op modes but it's missing something. The first Resi was in England, and it was close to home so i could relate. But in Resi 2 it's the USA and it could be set anywere. It just doesn't have the same feel to it.

COD:5, after Modern Warfare, Treyarch had a hard time competing and the single player campaign is great but i feel the multiplayer is an absolute rip of Modern Warfare. It's the same weapons but older models, and same perks. Not to mention Radar, Artillery and the most overpowered thing ever the DOGS!! lol.

As for Saints 2, it's still an enjoyable game to replay again and again.

Heres hoping that we finally get a good RPG over on PS3. I'm leaning towards Monster Hunter on PSP right now. The last 'good' RPG i played was Chrono Trigger for SNES (obviously not when it was released for it, but i played it about 6 months ago!)

My top 10 Playstation Games

Well, this is a list compiled of my favourite games on the Playstation.

10) Oddworld Abes Oddysey - Oddworld being the correct terminology there. This game providing challenging puzzles and quite bizare randomness.

9) Demolition Racer - Grueling races, customizable cars and an ok soundtrack. Yes demolition racer packs a lot for racing fans. Worth a dabble if you've not tried it.

8) Medal of Honour - The first and best of the MOH series. Ultilizing actual WW2 moments and combining them all, proves for some good gameplay. Graphics on the slack though.

7) Castlevania:Symphony of the Night - A beautiful transition over to the Playstation, a game that has a nice gameplay time. With addicting gameplay and good weapons, fans of the castlevania series will be shot if they haven't played this.

6) Crash Bandicoot: Warped - My first Platform game, and it was one that got my attention, which good music and story.

5) Tekken 3 - Nothin' like beating the scrap outta someone, whilst button mashing with Eddie Gordo. Ahh good times.;)

4) Ape Escape - Probably memorable for it's use of the analog stick's (what a vision they had then:lol:) Even though it's just catching monkeys it's mildly entertaining

3)Wipeout 3 - This game was a whole new take on racing games. It's basically a version of F-Zero, but waaaay better. With an great soundtrack, graphics and gameplay.

2) Spyro the Dragon - The best game of the series by far, it stuck to the story, took you to different themed worlds, and added the element of humour, and on top of that it's a platformer. Without doubt this game is probably still one of the best platformers out there.

1) Hogs of War - Some of you might not even know what this game is, but i sure do. This brilliant turn based combat game added Pigs, Humour and WWII, and the final result was this. It's a game i've spent the most time on.

Honourable Mentions
Digimon - :P, come on, i think everyone had this.

My Top 10 Games of Forever

Well i thought i'd make a list of my favourite games/series from the ages, so here it is. These are the games that have provided me with the most enjoyment, weather it be innovativity (:P it's a word look it up) or plain fun to play.

10- Chrono Trigger (SNES)

9- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS)

8- Burnout Series (PS2/PS3)

7- Unreal Tournament Series (PS2/PS3)

6- Little Big Planet (PS3)

5- Call Of Duty 4 (PS3)

4- Ratchet & Clank Series (PS2/PS3)

3- Atomic Bomberman (PC)

2- Spyro (PS)

1- The Orange Box (PC/PS3)

Games listed are games that i own, and what consoles i played them on.

Replay Values / Online Gaming

Well, after our surge of amazing games that have come/coming out, i'd have to say i quite like the fancy of LBP & Resistance 2 (On the crimbo list :P), but how much replay value do they have.

Little Big Planet will by far have the most replay value, with it's stunning ingenuity and fantastic level creation tool.
Resistance 2 will have a great online community with it's 8 player Co-op and 60 player multi.
And both should keep me occupied 'til Killzone 2, Right?



Now don't get me wrong i like both of them games and most others that are released. But LBP is strange, i wanna own the game and play through but most of it's gameplay once you've finished will come from Online play. The same for Resistance 2, it's main features about the game are on the online side.

Now, i don't have online on my PS3 and therefore i can't benefit from games as much as others. Now game devs seem to be focusing most of there replay value into online modes. Even most multiplayer sides of games are online. Why should that be?

If we look back through the PS2 side of gaming, going online was something that hardly anyone did and the games were great, had multiplayer and good replay value.
Take Ratchet & Clank as an example, the third to be precise, the series was good as it was with an ok storyline that continues throughout. With the intro of leveling up weapons and Multiplayer, i was hooked. I replayed through racthet Gladiator like 10 times, lol!  And i'm starting to do that with games on the PS3 now, i wanna buy Racthet and Clank: ToD, over Call of Duty: WaW.

The future of gaming is changing......


Fallout 3

Well with Fallout 3 on a few weeks away, i can only say that i'm ecstatic. After the drought of games during the summer, the "games for christmas" are now being released. Great games such as;

Little Big Planet, Saints Row 2, Fable 2, Resistance 2, Gears of War 2, Far Cry 2, Cod:5, etc.

Of them, Fallout 3 will definately be bought before crimbo! My collection is built up of FPS's and i'm after a good RPG. With Final Fantasy an age away and with all these new JRPG's coming out, Fallout has come in at good timing. But with Fable 2 being released not long after, it'll be a tough desicion. Each of it's predicescors have been good games, and each have provided us with hours of gameplay.

Now we know the Fallout series is RPG, but what Bethesda have done with the Fallout series has changed the games origins. It's a lot more FPS & a lot of people have commented it on being a futuristic Morrowind/Oblivion, and to be honest i'd have to agree with them. Nevertheless it has some old and new features in that improve the games longevity:
Customizable Player - True to Elder Scrolls and previous Fallout games
Stats - Able to create your perfect character
Karma - What i believe to be a leap out of Fable (minus the horns), good actions get you respected in towns, and negative actions to things get you in the good books of villians.
Weapons - Toaster Bombs anyone? Well there here!as well as numerous other crazy weapons in the game.
Armour - Same as above, A welders mask, Eyepatch, you name it!

Just Started

Well i thought i'd start up a Blog here on my experiences of gaming. On how much i enjoy playing them. And how they fair up in todays gaming market.

Lets face it we all have our favourite and least favourite games out there, the ones we'd save up for and the ones we'd never touch, the ones you can't stop reading about and the ones you wanna stop reading about, etc.. But for me I enjoy playing all games, some i love and some i find a bit weird, but i never say i hate!

I always find little things in games that can bring a games greatness down, call it nibbling away at them if you will but it's true. And one thing you must understand is, that i'm not a Fanboy or favour any console more. I own a PS3 and i go to my mates house to use his Xbox 360. I enjoy features on both consoles.