LBP is the gift that keeps on giving. I have been spending most of my time playing the incredible FF13, but pushed by my daughters, I am still playing LBP quite a bit. We just found a level called 'The Fall of Troy Part 1' which was one of the most impressive levels I've seen in a while. It starts off with a brief movie style credit sequence (always a good sign when guys put that much care into their product) then moves on to the tent of the Greek king, who orders you to take the city. So there was a ten minute delay while my kids selected period appropriate attire (*sigh*), then we finally marched on Troy. Flaming spearscreated a killzone we couldn't get past, so we had to retreat.
We hopped into a big seige engine, which then started to roll forward (the flaming spears bounced right off it). We made it to the gate, then used the battering ram (it was a big log suspended by a rope with handles on the side) to try to knock open the gates. We slammed the log (literally taking several steps back, then running forward) into the wall a few times, but then the log broke. So we were ordered to climb to the top of the engine (which was just as high as the wall) but the greeks toppled the seige engine as we got to the top, so our second invasion attempt was a bust.
The king told us he had another plan, that we were to hide in the belly of the wooden horse we were constructing. So the scene fades out and next we are in a wooden horse while the Trojans take into the city. We are lowered down via a platform, then we entered a guard tower and murdered a couple guards sleeping in their beds (by jumping on their heads a grabbing them) and also took out a few guards who were aware (one said he was going to raise the alarm, it might have been interesting to see what he triggered, but we killed him before he made it). So we got to the top of the guard tower, then grabbed a contraption on a rope and slid down to a lower level. IIRC we killed a guard or to, then we then had to make our way up stairs, hiding periodically inbetween the pillars to dodge the burning coal a guard was sending our way by tipping a big cauldron periodically. The first of us to make it up killed the guard and then we proceeded onwards. We then fought a boss encounter of sorts with a guy using explosive arrows. There was no way to get to him but he was standing on a rickety platform supported by pillars (he was kind enough to inform of us that at the beginning of the fight). So we had to hide behind the pillars and get him to take them out. Once he took out all the pillars, his platform collapsed, he died and we won the fight and the level.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the stuff ordinary gamers (well, some ordinary gamers, not me) can come up with if given the opportunity is really impressive. I would love to see 'Play, Create, Share' in more genres.