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Completed FFT

Before buying this game I read a lot of reviews, and almost everywhere was said "If you missed it on PS1, then you have to buy this one" well I really did miss it on PS1 and I decided to buy it. Yesterday at work I've completed this this game and here are my thoughts about it after playing it for 50 hours.

The story is awesome, but in sotryline so many names mentioned, so I got sometomes a little confused with "who did what". The gameplay is not so awesome. At first it was very challenging, but then I decided to level up my characters a bit and doing this was so easy, so I level up everyone to 99 and master a lot of jobs ( but didn't get Dark Knight, my bad :? ) and after that every battle was just a piece of cake and sometimes I got bored to kill everyone with 1 hit. The music is awesome and sound efects are good. Graphics a little disapointed me, becase magics and most of skills were soo slow performed ... at first I got frustrated but then I got used to it. Cutscenes were great, but I'm playing on phat PSP so sometimes it freezed for a second and then moved on.

Overall it's a great game, but enjoyed playing Jeanne D'Arc much more.