I had planned this morning to pick up Katamari Damacy and write a nice long post about it this evening, but I was thwarted by its low priority mailing status. Either that or none of the local game stores ever plan on getting it; in which case I'm going to be mad. Instead I thought I would briefly address the moderator thing since I've been getting a lot of messages about it and I'm totally not doing my set theory homework as a result.
I've been reading GameSpot for something like five years now, but I honestly haven't kept track. Although I'm normally a chatty person, and I signed up for the forums a few years ago (under my former alias, Trixie), I never posted much until post-lithium. Frankly I think these forums are vastly superior.
I know a lot about video games and I think I'm pretty decent at communicating. If you have any questions about anything or need help with the forums, that's why I accepted the moderator position in the first place. Feel free to contact me by any of the means in my profile.
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