I need some advice from younger people out there, or "you young'uns" as I like to call you. I know you exist, I've even heard that there are people who walk and talk and think and make decisions who were born in the 90's. The 90's! You would still all be infants (and I would still be wearing flannel) if I had my way.
Now, I have some appreciation for music that invents its own slang. Even that "Buy you a drank" song is okay, though a bit unsettling. But apparently Timbaland's new song is called "The Way I Are" and it involves a call and response section where the girl says "I like you just the way you are" and he says back "Can you handle me the way I are". And I swear it sounds like he's saying "I'm are" which is even more unbearable.
Am I an old fuddy duddy or is this just seriously lame?