Finals are over! Papers are done! Grades are set in stone, although possibly to be argued for next semester if necessary! The longest, most arduous finals process I have ever endured occurred right in the middle of the most hardcore senior slump you can possibly imagine.
A new semester has begun, the winter semester of catch-up. I will spend one whole day with my beloved MGS3 and then possibly a whole 'nother. I promise that I will reply to everyone's messages in Halo. I might unwrap Prince of Persia in the near future, unless the baditude gets to me first. I will find that damn save point in Metroid. I will meet someone who plays Ratchet and Clank multiplayer and I will school them. I'm SO excited. I will level up both characters in WoW and I will get myself a horsey!
Now if only I didn't have work all day and night today. That's kind of a buzzkill.
Also if you haven't seen the GS dubious awards yet, for the love of everything that is funny, you must watch glowy chickens.
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