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I'm not crazy, but I do converse with my video games.

The classic example, perhaps the one that opened the floodgates, was Prince of Persia. Of course, this was not the first time I ever spoke to my video games, but it was certainly the most distinct. I was, undoubtably, wrapped up in the story. Each time that I paused the game the Prince would charmingly say, "Shall I go on?" Without skipping a beat I would reply, "Yes, just a minute."

I don't know if I was aware of the fact until I heard audible scoffs from witnesses. When faced with the idea that my behavior was strange, I did what any normal person would do. I did it more. "Hang on a second!" rang out my voice from the kitchen to the Prince who was impatiently waiting on the pause screen. "Don't start without me!" I would joke and be faced with unamused glares.

Despite the fact that conversations with my Prince were often dialogues (if that can be said about conversation with AI) I didn't even need a response to keep talking once I had started. I often scolded my cat in The Sims no differently than if he were real, "Why are you peeing everywhere, I haven't even fed you yet!" "There's no way I'm going to stay around and fight you guys again," I declared as I ran past the cat women in Ninja Gaiden. This dialogue, once restrained to my thoughts, was running rampant. Designers everywhere were dancing in the streets.

I bring this up now because Fable is the ultimate game for video-game-conversationalists. Although most of the language I use when talking to characters in the game can't be reprinted here, for filter reasons, it often goes something like this: "I'm not a chicken chaser you $*@!#" or "Stop stealing my kills you %#*&!" or "Yeah you're not so bad yourself." I think it's a great testimony to a game's ability to create atmosphere, if you forget your surroundings and begin a dialogue with the in-game characters.

So remember, it's permissible, perhaps even cool, to talk to your video games, unless perhaps you're playing Singles or Leisure Suit Larry. Some things are better off left unsaid.