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3190 242 1989

The Only Man for Me.

The latest issue of OPM has a playable demo of Metal Gear Solid 3, the exact same demo I played at E3 actually, but now I get to play with Snake in the privacy of my own home (and a very private thing it is too).

I am a self-proclaimed cutscene skipper, because I find most video game stories ridiculous. While I loved the story from Metal Gear Solid and tried to watch most of Metal Gear Solid 2, near the end I absolutely skipped cut-scenes, I had to if my love was going to remain intact. Anyway the club of Metal-Gear-loving-nerds has made me feel plenty guilty about that fact, so I was absolutely intent on watching the entire demo. It wouldn't be too hard, I thought. It's just a demo.

Oh Hideo Kojima, how you test me. That was the most long-winded lecture about honor to one's country that I've ever heard. If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to get me to run out and vote for that draft bill. "Please! Chart me off to a foreign land! Take away my personal rights and my family! I LOVE MY COUNTRY!" Not so. In fact, now I'm even more resolved to taking whatever means necessary to enjoy this game. If that means skipping through some extra-long codec scenes, then so be it.

Snake, dear, I love you, but all I want is for you to shut up and run around shirtless.