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The week in pictures...

Since the very end of my very last final, I have spent a ridiculous time with my two WoW characters, and there's no sign of slowing down in the near future. My affection for the screenshot button must have derived somehow from my mother's obsession with the camera. I can see myself in these games, as I always saw her everywhere I went in life, running around trying to get the best angle, moving people out of the way, fiddling with everything so that I can keep this moment forever in digital form.

One of WoW's very strongest points (of which there are many) is the absolute fabulous scenery. That's such an understatement. The game is jaw-droppingly beautiful many times over. Many, many times over. Take a look at my week in pictures.

The Good

Beauvoir is a sex-pot paladin whose physical proportions would probably make her namesake turn over in her grave. I'm sorry Mme, the game gave me no choice! Dagny is an undead priestess who is also pretty sexy considering that bones jut out of her every angle...oh wait, that is the definition of sexy nowadays.

The Bad

That shadow on the ground is another GS forumite, with whom I'm trying to interact, but required me logging out and back in for him to pop into sight, given the lagginess of the city at that moment. Lagginess also strikes on a trip to Orgrimmar. I took this picture to prove that on my screen he wasn't actually following me, but running into the wall. Sometimes the screenshot button helps prove that you aren't crazy.

The Silly

There's nothing more fun than yelling at your AFK partner, except maybe when he's at the keyboard and running around doing silly antics. The last picture's silliness would make sense to people who play the game only, a human and an orc should NOT be associating. It's like dogs and cats living together! Only, this level 40+ killed me once and then jumped around with me a little bit, even though we couldn't communicate with each other.

The Trip

Killjoi took me on a particularly beautiful gryphon flight a few days ago, and his latest journal entry does more justice to it than anything I could impart on the subject. If you do anything in WoW, figure out a way to take this route, it's absolutely amazing.

The Movie Quotes

Anyone who doesn't think Gattaca is the best movie ever has NO SOUL. It gave me special joy that everyone on that zeppelin got my "NO TICKET" joke, even if I had totally and accidentally swiped it from mindcavity.

The End